[Tip of the Week] Bring Your EWAR!

Text adapted from, and graphic by, the ever-lovely Shaemus O’Conor, EWAR afficionado extraordinaire.

Bring your EWAR – it can have an huge impact on a fight!

In EVE bigger is not always better. In fact, even a tiny T1 EWAR frigate like a Griffin or Maulus can have a massive impact on many PvP fights.

A flock of Blackbirds in a fleet wing can completely shut down an enemy logi wing, a single Crucifier can make it hard for a battleship to hit your fleetmates in frigates or quarter a Drekavac’s optimal range from 76km to 18km, an Arazu will point a shiny target, keep it sensor dampened and light the cyno to bring in the big boys.

T1 EWAR frigates can be used very quickly, within a few days of starting the game. It is a quick train, they are very cheap (some corporations may even hand them out for free) and you can have an immediate tangible impact during PvP fleets. Of course, if you like the playstyle, training more into the specific EWAR skills will make them even better, open up T1 EWAR cruisers and a higher effectiveness. When specializing, T2 EWAR cruisers can be a massive force multiplier in a fight.

So the next time a fleet is called, look for the EWAR wing or ask your FC if you can bring an EWAR ship. For learning more about EWAR, check out the links in this post.

P.S.: Salt is a valuable resource in New Eden and beyond, and an EWAR pilot is a master at extracting it.

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