Coming in Crius: Introducing whats new in EVE’s next big release

CCP recently posted a Devblog outlining the upcoming Crius changes, here is an excerpt

Crius, the next release for EVE Online, will bring about a massive set of new features and changes to science, manufacturing, research and reprocessing in EVE. For those new to manufacturing in EVE Online, it’ll be the perfect time to try building your own ships and ammunition, or to  try setting up a small operation at a starbase.

The ambitious industrialist will be able to better outsmart the market by making decisions about where to build thanks to a powerful new toolset to help create opportunities for specialization. There are new “sandbox gameplay” elements for collaborating with others in the business of creating manufacturing hubs for certain goods by recruiting the right kind of workforce to the area. These changes are part of our long-running arc that gives capsuleers more and more control and possibilities to colonize the New Eden universe.

If you have been fascinated by the market and industry aspects of EVE Online but not tried this area of EVE yet, Crius is the time to jump in!

Crius manufacturing













For the full blog, click here

E-UNI to host first CSM9 Town Hall

Council of Stellar Management

EVE University will host a Council of Stellar Management (CSM) Town Hall meeting on its public Mumble server on Sunday, June 22nd at 19:00 EVE time.

This will be the first Town Hall for the recently elected CSM9. Each Town Hall is an open forum for the CSM to dialogue with EVE Online players about possible future directions for the game’s development. The CSM is a key stakeholder in CCP Games’ development process, and represents players’ interests.

Instructions for access to the UNI public Mumble server can be found here:

This Town Hall will be simulcast by EVE Radio. Participants may submit questions to the CSM during the meeting, using an in-game chat channel.

E-UNI Invades Fanfest; Professor Donohue Delivers Special Lecture

Several dozen EVE University members will attend Fanfest, the annual gathering of EVE Online and DUST 514 players, in Reykjavik, Iceland on May 1-3.

The Harpa concert hall and conference center, location of Fanfest 2014

The Harpa concert hall and conference center, location of Fanfest 2014

E-UNI Professor Seamus Donohue said, “I’ve been to Fanfest twice, and what I’ve enjoyed most are meeting Internet spaceship friends and discussing the future of EVE Online with CCP Developers. Also, I’m going to be teaching an EVE University lecture in the Serenity Hall on Saturday, May 3rd at 16:00.”

E-UNI Professor Seamus Donohue

E-UNI Professor Seamus Donohue

Professor Donohue’s lecture will cover “A Study of Geometry in EVE Online” and will explore the mechanics of various aspects of space in the game, including station docking ranges, grid characteristics and relative ship sizes and position. “Please don’t be late for class,” Donohue urges.

Other E-UNI members are also excited about attending. “Fanfest! It is like Christmas with your family,” said Bairfhionn Isu, E-UNI Retired Director. “The difference is that you actually care for the people at Fanfest.”

Neville Smit, Director of Education for EVE University, will appear in the Alliance Panel session, to be held on Friday, May 2nd at 19:00.

Fanfest includes three days of presentations and keynote addresses about the future of EVE Online, DUST 514 and the soon-to-be-released EVE Valkyrie games. It also features a lot of parties and celebrations for all of the participants, highlighted by the “Party on the Top of the World” event on Saturday night.

“I hate beer and even I love Fanfest,” says Kivena, E-UNI’s Teaching Manager, another returning attendee.

Almost 2,000 people are expected to attend Fanfest, to be held in the Harpa concert hall and conference center in Rekjavik. For those who can not attend in person, most of the Fanfest events will be streamed live over Twitch TV.


E-UNI to host last CSM8 Town Hall: April 26 @ 19:00

Council of Stellar Management

EVE University will host the next Council of Stellar Management (CSM) Town Hall meeting on its public Mumble server on Saturday, April 26 at 19:00 EVE time.

This will be the final Town Hall for CSM8. The ninth CSM will be elected April 8-22, and announced at Fanfest on May 3.

Instructions for access to the UNI public Mumble server can be found here:

Each Town Hall is an open forum for the CSM to dialogue with EVE Online players about possible future directions for the game’s development. The CSM is a key stakeholder in CCP’s development process, and represents players’ interests.

This Town Hall will be simulcast by EVE Radio. Participants may submit questions to the CSM during the meeting, using an in-game chat channel.

E-UNI to host CCP Falcon in a public Q&A

CCP Falcon

CCP Falcon

On Saturday, May 10 at 16:00 EVE time, EVE University will host a live interview and Q&A session with Paul Elsy, better known as CCP Falcon, EVE Community Manager for CCP Games. The event will be open to everyone on EVE University’s public Mumble server.

The session will be moderated by Neville Smit, E-UNI Director of Education, who said, “We’ll talk about the future direction of the EVE Online community – and promoting a balance between good, supportive player content and some of the more nefarious activities for which EVE Online is famous. We will also talk about the reveals for the upcoming EVE Online expansion announced at Fanfest.”

Participants will need to set up Mumble access – follow these instructions for set-up:

E-UNI to host CCP Guard and CCP Dr.EyjoG in public Q&As

CCP Guard

CCP Guard

EVE University will host live, public interviews and question-and-answer sessions with two CCP Games staffers: CCP Guard and CCP Dr.EyjoG.

First, Eyjolfur “Eyjo” Guðmundsson, better known as CCP Dr.EyjoG, the official on-staff economist for CCP Games, will be E-UNI’s guest for a live interview on Thursday, March 27, starting at 14:30 EVE time.

Next, Sveinn J. Kjarval, better known as CCP Guard, the celebrated Community Developer for EVE Online and emissary for the CCP Corporation in New Eden, will be E-UNI’s guest on Friday, March 28, starting at 17:00 EVE time.

Neville Smit, Teaching Director for E-UNI, will moderate both sessions. “We’ll talk about the EVE Online community and economy, how they have changed, and what the future may hold for EVE Online players,” Smit said. “All are welcome. You do not have to be an EVE University member to attend, so bring your questions!”

CCP Dr.EyjoG

The Q&A sessions will be held on EVE University’s public Mumble channel. Participants may use this guide for set-up:

These sessions are parts of a series of public interviews with prominent EVE Online personalities, conducted in recognition of E-UNI’s 10th anniversary since its founding. Recordings of prior interviews may be found in the EVE University recorded class library, available to anyone for download.


EVE University Celebrates Ten Years

EVE University logoToday marks a momentous date for EVE University as we celebrate our 10th birthday. Over the last decade we have seen many changes, but our core ideals and mission remain the same: to educate new players.

When people look at EVE University, they often think of the Directors, Managers, and Staff who work to educate students, but we are only an incredibly small part of the University’s success. Most of the credit lies with you, our students and alumni. Without you helping each other in chats, forums, fleets, classes, the wiki, etc… we would never be able to do what we do. From the bottom of my heart, thanks to all of you for what you have contributed to the University.

As we enter the next year of our history, there are some changes occurring within the University.

First, the lottery has been a massive success, giving us a nice amount of ISK to funnel towards student programs. The first new program we are launching is a reward for announced fleets leaving from Aldrat. Any FC who schedules a PvP fleet 24 hours ahead of time that leaves from Aldrat will receive 50m isk. This program will continue until the pool of ISK is depleted. We will be monitoring the program to ensure that it is not being abused. To claim your 50m, you merely need to fill in the normal fleet form located here.

Second, we are looking for some other ways to spend donated ISK to benefit our students. If you have a good idea, please submit it here. We will use this list to help brainstorm new and exciting programs for the University. Please try to create programs that will benefit some specific group of students in their education or support an activity in the University that might need help.

Third, our month long test of increased Sov Null access has been a success. We will be continuing it indefinitely. This means that anyone can lead a fleet into sovereign null security space for PvP purposes. Do not engage in PvE activities in Sov Null space, and do not participate in structure or sovereignty battles.

Fourth, our War Standard Operating Procedures (WSOP) will have another revision. We are removing all ship restrictions except those on supercapitals. Students may fly and lose whatever they wish. Remember, Don’t Fly What You Can’t Afford To Lose.

Lastly, I’d like to remind everyone that today is the beginning of our NBSI test in low security space. You are free to engage anyone that does not have a positive standing with the University. Remember that we would like to see this used for tactical advantages, not for massive gate camps. The outcome of this test could have implications for our future rules of engagement. Students are expected to maintain a sec status above -2 if they wish to keep titles, and above -5 if they want to stay in the University. If you drop below -5 you will be removed. I repeat, if your sec status drops below -5 you will be kicked as soon as we notice. DO NOT go below -5.