Patch Day is Coming!

The excitement is building with the very rapid approach of the Odyssey 1.1 Update. This exciting update is being released on Tuesday, September 3rd 2013. So make sure when you get off to bed you set a long skill train. So aside from this video below would you like to know more?

Amazingly the team at CCP in Reykjavik is re-balancing 28 ships in this update with major changes to medium weapons, nosferatu modules (coming back with better usability and viability), gang links, armor repairers and shield boosters. Click on more to read the Official Patch Notes!

Also don’t forget you can install Twitter and use the #tweetfleet and #eveonline hash tags to talk to the community as we all try to patiently wait for the server to go back online.

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Office of the CEO

Azmodeus Valar

Today the CEO of Eve University announced an upcoming week of flying friendship for Eve University. In the words of our CEO…

“Starting this Saturday we will be having a week long event…  Beginning this Saturday, August 31st – September the 7th we will be having “Fly With Friends” week. This entire week the University will be suspending all rules on mixed-fleets for PVP or PVE operations.”

Our directors are quick to point out that all Eve University members are still to hold to the rules of the University and obey the Rules of Engagement at all times.  He also wished all pilots to have fun with this event and be responsible.  Essentially this will be a test of multiple items as the University Management holds internal talks on rules and engagements in various areas around New Eden.  Students and Directors alike are extremely excited and we look forward to updating you on new developments as they happen.  Keep checking back as we start bringing you the latest updates and news on Eve University.

Operation Dragonslayer

Dragonslayer Banner

On August 26th Eve University, known for large fleets comprised of frigates and cruisers, dusted off their larger ships for a massive fleet operation. Taking almost an hour to organize the fleet composition and structures they quickly undocked from station and headed out in search of a “dragon”.  This was a rare display of large ship composition that is rarely seen flying in New Eden by our pilots.  Knowing what our targets were the FC took the time to review fits he had listed in the doctrine and instruct new Unistas how to be effective in a large engagement as we traveled in space.

Fleet Undock

After finding some minor engagements in lowsec the decision was made to head into nullsec space. It was quickly apparent that we were in the right place as our scouts quickly narrowed down locations of various targets within striking distance. Noticing a gang of small ships our FC decided to engage when suddenly a Battleship Gang appeared on grid. Warping in and landing on them they quickly began the engagement attacking one of our ships as the battlefield was bathed in flash of brilliant light.  When the light faded 2 Carriers and 2 Dreadnaughts were positioned on the field.

At this point our full fleet arrived on grid much to the surprise of our targets. While our neuters went to work and HIC engaged his bubble, our FC started his target calling. Quickly the enemy ships were burned down and we focused on our primary targets. Knowing the carriers would be in triage the first was neuted and engaged. In under a minute it was gone… The Revelation and Moros followed by the last archon exploded soon after.  Without cap and in a bubble the fate of these magnificent ships was sealed. We are proud of the performance of our pilots who took part in this engagement and must also salute our targets for taking the fight and showing great sportsmanship. You can find the full battle report on our Killboard.

UNI to host CSM8 Town Hall: August 17 @ 19:00

Council of Stellar Management

EVE University will host the next Council of Stellar Management (CSM) Town Hall meeting on its public Mumble server on Saturday, August 17th at 19:00 EVE time.

Instructions for access to the UNI public Mumble server can be found here:

Each Town Hall is an open forum for the CSM to dialogue with EVE Online players about possible future directions for the game’s development. The CSM is a key stakeholder in CCP’s development process, and represents players’ interests.

This Town Hall will be simulcast by EVE Radio. Participants may submit questions to the CSM during the meeting, using an in-game chat channel.

Additional CSM Town Hall sessions are planned for:

  • early October
  • mid November (before the winter summit meeting)
  • third week in January (after the winter summit meeting)
  • mid March (before the CSM9 elections)


Cap Stable podcast interviews E-UNI

The Cap Stable podcast, specializing in commentary and news about EVE Online, recently interviewed EVE University’s Teaching Director, Neville Smit, and Professor of Capsuleer Studies, Seamus Donohue. The focus of the discussion was on the UNI’s recent change in policy to make classes open to the public, but it also covered aspects of UNI membership as well.

The podcast can be streamed or downloaded from Cap Stable’s website:


EVE University Opens Classes to Public

Effective July 15, EVE University‘s general educational classes and guest lectures will be open to everyone in the EVE Online community. Membership in the UNI will no longer be required to attend the corporation’s ongoing series of classes and lectures about EVE Online. They will be open to anyone who wants to participate on the UNI’s public Mumble server, without obligation or cost.

“This is something we have wanted to do for a long time,” said EVE University’s Director of Education, Bairfhionn Isu. “It is EVE University’s mission to provide free education, training and learning resources to everyone in the EVE Online community. Our UNIWiki, for example, has been open to the public since its inception, and gets over 2 million page views per month. UNI YouTube videos on EVE Online topics, produced by our professors, have always been freely available. It seems only right that our live classes and expert guest lectures also be accessible to anyone interested in playing EVE Online, not just to our student members.”

EVE University provides a wide variety of classes and lectures on EVE Online topics, including basic game mechanics, ship orientations and fitting, player vs. player (PvP) techniques, missioning, mining, exploration, trading, industry, politics, lore, metagame issues, and EVE-related support tools. The UNI also features regular guest lectures by various EVE personalities and experts in different aspects of the game. Over the last six months, the UNI has held over 250 classes and lectures for more than 12,000 participants.

The schedule of EVE University classes and lectures is available to the public at, and is updated daily.

To attend an EVE University class, interested participants only have to register on the UNI’s public Mumble server:, and log in on the UNI public Mumble channel at the appointed class time. There are no other obligations – players will be free to join as many or as few UNI classes as they wish. There are no fees to join any UNI class or lecture.

The UNI public Mumble server has been used successfully to host the CSM Town Hall meetings and special guest lectures, and has sufficient capacity to accommodate hundreds of simultaneous users.

“EVE University now has the infrastructure and resources to make our entire curriculum available to everyone in the EVE community,” said Azmodeus Valar, CEO of the UNI. “We are excited about making our classes, and the good work of our teaching team, available to anyone who wants to learn more about our game.”

EVE University, primary member of the Ivy League Alliance, is a neutral training institution in the massive multi-player online game, EVE Online. Founded in March of 2004 by Morning Maniac, EVE University trains new pilots in all aspects of EVE Online, allowing them to be fully capable of making a name for themselves in New Eden. For more information, browse