CCP Unifex and CCP Seagull to join UNI Q&A event

UPDATE: the recording of this interview can now be found here:

EVE University is pleased to announced that Jon Lander (CCP Unifex), Executive Producer of EVE Online, and Andie Nordgren (CCP Seagull), Senior Producer of EVE Online, will participate in an online discussion on Saturday, April 6th at 17:00 EVE Time, on the UNI’s public Mumble server.

CCP UnifexCCP Seagull

In this unique event, the top management of EVE Online’s development will discuss the past, present and future of Internet spaceships, and they’ll share opinions about what makes EVE Online fun, and what doesn’t – and how CCP intends to manage the ongoing development of New Eden.

EVE University’s CEO, Azmodeus Valar, will open the event with a welcome for the special guests and all of the participants. The UNI’s Teaching Manager, Neville Smit, will moderate and field questions from the audience.

To participate, listeners must register on the EVE University public Mumble server. Use this guide for set-up:

Shadoo to speak on effective fleet command

UPDATE: A recording of this interview and Q&A can be found here:

On April 12 @ 22:00 EVE time, Shadoo, renowned fleet commander and a principal leader of the infamous mercenary corp, Pandemic Legion, will talk about what being an effective fleet commander is all about, and how to become one. There will be an extended time for questions and answers, so attendees are encouraged bring their most burning concerns and issues.


This event is one of EVE University’s ongoing Guest Lecture series. It will be held on the UNI’s public Mumble server, and all EVE pilots are invited to attend. For information on how to register on this public Mumble server, see here: – please make sure you have Mumble sorted out and operational well before the event begins.

“We’re very pleased to host Shadoo as our special guest,” said Neville Smit, UNI Teaching Manager, who will moderate the event. “I know it will be a very useful discussion, as Shadoo’s reputation as a first-rate fleet commander is well established.”

A History Lesson & Some News

Time for a bit of a history lesson…

Nine years ago, at 14:33 EVE time on March the 15th, Morning Maniac founded EVE University. So much of the Uni’s early years have unfortunately been lost to history, but I do know that what now transcends any game structure, had begun as a replacement for the “Help” channel.

In June 2006, six and three-quarter years and 120 million SP ago, I started playing EVE again after bouncing off it way back in 2004. It didn’t take long for me to find E-UNI, which at the time was evacuating from the Geminate region (yes, we owned nullsec space one) with the collapse of the alliance The Big Blue. Back then, there were no drone regions, the Drake didn’t yet exist, and there were only two battleships for each race, and the equivalent of a PLEX would get you about 100 Million ISK.

At the time, E-UNI was one of the larger corporations in EVE, with a few hundred active members, and was only supposed to be a temporary home for me. By the start of 2007, I had ended up as a director in E-UNI, handling diplomacy for the recently created “Ivy League” alliance (after creating its logo), and starting the alliance on the path to the large standings network we have today.

As time went on, we went from Kassie Kelmar (bringer of cookies) to Dee Carson as Director of Operations under Morning Maniac, as MM slowly had less time to run things day to day. This was a time of great expansion for E-UNI, and as we added more and more active members, our services grew also, with more scheduled classes, more resources available to the members, and much more structure to everything.

In mid 2008, we had been wardecced by The Privateer Alliance for many weeks, and neither side was much interested in fighting any more. I left the Uni for a few weeks, and returned with the original “DecShield” plan, which suddenly increased the cost to continue the war from 50 million to 1 billion ISK, breaking the stalemate and generating a forum thread which I still find amusing to this day.

In late 2008, Dee retired as Director of Operations, and it wasn’t long before I had (rather foolishly) accepted the job, with Morning Maniac becoming less active. In mid 2009, work on the UniWiki began, and it was clear we had outgrown Korsiki, and we moved to Aldrat in July of that year.

A few months later, Morning Maniac indicated he was planning to step down as CEO – he no longer had the time to dedicate to running E-UNI, and he named me as his successor, a role which I took up well over 3 years ago now.

Last year, I ran for and was elected to CSM7. For those of you who don’t know, the CSM is would be best described as an unpaid player feedback group for CCP, and the amount of work involved in it all is considerable – despite what some may think, its not your own private FanFest twice a year.

With the amount of CSM work growing through 2012, and me taking an (awesome) new job 4,500 miles away, I recreated an old role, and made Azmodeus Valar the Director of Operations to make sure everything that needed to happen continued. However, a few months back, I realised that I’m spending all my time with what are practically second (E-UNI) and third (CSM) jobs, and not having any time to enjoy EVE for what it is. Even my “sekrit PvP alt” has hardly undocked in that time.

So, effective at the time this is posted, I have stepped down as CEO of EVE University, leaving it in the very capable hands of Azmodeus Valar, who I trust fully with both the corporation and community. Various in and out of game assets have already been transferred over the last few weeks, and the transition should be as smooth as to be unnoticeable.

In the case of DUST University, Dennie Fleetfoot will be taking over as CEO there later today. He’s done an excellent job of running D-UNI during the DUST 514 beta, and I fully trust him to grow the corporation in the right direction, and take the relevant actions as needed.

As for me, I’m still going to serve my term on the CSM, but as some of you know I won’t be running for CSM again this year (I’m not allowed to with the new rules, but vote Trebor in CSM8!), and I’ll remain in the Uni for a while yet. Hell, I may even manage to undock, for once. And of course I’ll still be at FanFest in April, and I’ll likely be on a CSM panel of some kind.

Longer term… I’m not sure, I’ll be keeping at least one of my EVE accounts active, and still be around on the E-UNI mumble, but will probably scale things down a little from the peak of the five accounts (so many alts!), and after all, I do have a nice little property on Auraxis you’re all welcome to visit, and I’m also planning some level of presence in both Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen once the time comes there.

I’m quite sure a few parties will try and claim some kind of ‘victory’ over some aspect with me stepping down, but both I and the Uni will still be around when they quit, ready to ask “Can I have your stuff?”. EVE and the Uni have both been a big part of my life for almost 7 years now, and that’s not likely to change much after today.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them in the forum thread or comments below.

Entering 2013: A message for our Students

As we begin a new year with EVE University, it is time to reflect upon our past, and look toward our future. We have seen many changes over the last year, seeing a fledgling LSC grow into a great program, a new wormhole campus launch, Project: Solitude grow as a community, a mining camp massacre asteroids by the thousands, and Uni students setting forth into null security space for good fights and laughs. Mechanics core to our lifestyle have changed, major rules have been thrown out or rewritten, and new corp events and interests have developed. I cannot think about how great this last year has been for the health of the Uni, as we continue to evolve to best meet the needs of students.

However, we must make sure that we do not remain stationary. We have to continue to grow, and never lose sight of our focus on new EVE players. When we look at time in EVE University, people often mention the pilots that have left, mourning the loss of their skill, wit, and contribution to our community. However, don’t lose sight of the fact that with each great player that leaves, it isn’t a loss for the University, it is a sign of us achieving a goal; helping new players grow in knowledge until they move on and enjoy the game in other areas. Yes, those pilots brought unique skills and insights to all of us, but the new player that joins today will be doing the same in a few months.

The Managers and Directors of the University are continually thinking of ways we can improve student life, but we cannot do it alone. Without you, this all falls apart. We need you to learn, and then volunteer your time and effort to help the new students. It could be as simple as handing out items from the hangars or isk for skillbooks when a new player needs them, or volunteering to be a PO, Logistics officer, Mentor, or Teacher. All of these are incredibly vital, and without the many students who continually step up to help new players, we could never hope to fulfill our mission. You are our strength.

I look forward to meeting these future challenges alongside all of you, a group of fun pilots in a great community.

Azmodeus Valar

Director of Operations


E-UNI Launches “Guest Fleet Commander” Program

For some time now, EVE University has restricted its fleet commanders to alliance members and a select few members with specific standings, but yesterday on July 16th, EVE University CEO Kelduum Revaan announced the formation of a ‘Guest Fleet Commander’ program.

This will allow select Fleet Commanders from different corporations and alliance within EVE to act as fleet commanders for EVE University fleets, allowing the students to gain a wider range of experience from FCs with different skill-sets and styles.

The first Guest FC to join the program is legendary Fleet Commander Ferocious FeAr of The Final Stand, who joined the EVE University Mumble server and spoke to members for quite some time last night.

We spoke to a couple of E-UNI Freshmen, Xelrich who was quite excited:

After merely sitting with her in channel and seeing her amazing knowledge of the game, I simply can’t wait to finally jump into fleet ops, something until now I’ve been too scared to get into seriously.

And fellow Freshman Morgaine L’Faye who was even more thrilled:

I never thought I’d be sad to see a war dec go away, but at least we have the next 24 hours to watch Fear give the war-targets the ass-whooping they need. I just hope I can get in on that fleet!

During wars, the Ally system as well as independent war-declarations will be used to ensure that guests have the same lists of targets as members, and E-UNI members will be restricted to the normal Rules of Engagement at other times (NRDS in LoSec, NBSI in Null).

If you or someone you know are interested in participating in the Guest FC program, please contact Kelduum Revaan for details.

Alliance Tournament X Is Live!

Alliance Tournament X is running until Sunday the 22nd of July, and although EVE University is not fielding a team this year, we’re all very much looking forward to the matches. We wish all the competitors good luck in ATX from everyone at EVE University, and we hope to see many explosions!

Group Stage Matches // Group Leaderboards // Watch Live on EVE TV

Catch Up On The Previous Matches // Official EVE ATX Site 

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E-UNI Offers Students Subsidized Implants

Last January EVE University’s Training Manager, NorthCrossroad privately started and funded a program to subsidize +3 implants, which allow EVE players to learn skills at a faster rate, enabling them to pilot larger and shinier ships, or to use more advanced modules, offering them for 5 million each, for the benefit of the E-UNI members. Normally these implants cost at least 7-8 million ISK apiece and can go as high as 10 mil.

The program became very popular and greatly benefited the Unistas. Consequently, the E-UNI directors offered to directly fund the program and make it an official benefit to the corporation members.

“I was delighted that the UNI offered to take on the +3 implant program,” said NorthCrossroad. “I’ve been told by those who have taken advantage of this offer that it is the second-most appreciated benefit they’ve received from the UNI, right behind free skillbooks.”

Using this program, UNI members can purchase Basic-level attribute enhancer implants for 5 million ISK each – an effective discount of 30%-50% off market prices. NorthCrossroad will continue to administrate the implant subsidy benefit, but all funding will now come from EVE University’s wallet. UNI members can find more information on the program here.