Giant Mercoxit Gas Cloud Endangers Minmatar Space

Millions of passengers are facing delays and flight cancellations as a giant Mercoxit Gas Cloud drifts through Aptetter.

Several hauling companies have also halted deliveries, and the Minmatar Republic have been issuing military vessels with additional measures to ensure their safety throughout this event.

We asked Evlon Keptassi from the Minmatar Safety Commission for details of the precautions being taken.

“A squad of five Thrashers have been assigned to permanent duty while the Mercoxit Cloud is present within Minmatar Space.  The pilots have been detailed to fly through the outlying reaches of the cloud, and the ships are then tested for the quantity of Mercoxit that collects in the ducts when they return to base.  We are using this method to monitor the precise danger to the public, and will lift traffic restrictions once we are happy they have returned to a safe level.”

We secretly followed one of these vessels on its mission, and observed as  it entered the cloud.  The majority of ducts promptly fell off the ship, along with a quantity of polyethylene material.

When asked about this incident, Mr. Keptassi refused to comment.

DUST University Launched Following E3

Following the pivotal announcement at E3 2011 by CCP CEO Hilmar Pétursson slating the much anticipated DUST 514 for an exclusive PlayStation 3 release in the summer of 2012, we have a tantalizing announcement of our own. With much excitement, EVE University CEO Kelduum Revaan announced today the formal launch of the DUST University website; Continue reading

EVE University Professor Releases Tutorial Videos

ALDRAT, Metropolis – EVE Online can be highly intimidating for new pilots. Mastering even the basics to survive in New Eden is a daunting challenge. To make this easier for capsuleers, Seamus Donohue and EVE University have released a series of tutorial videos which guide new pilots through character creation through the introductory career mission tracks.

This 46-part series, encompassing over seven hours of content, can be found at, or by searching for “How to Survive EVE Online” on YouTube. Each video runs from 6 to 14 minutes in length.

“I like explaining things,” said Seamus Donohue, “so when I saw ‘How to Survive Minecraft’ by ‘paulsoaresjr’ on YouTube, I decided it would be a good idea to create a similar series for EVE Online. In my case, I had watched the entire Minecraft series before actually buying Minecraft.” Continue reading

EVE University Test Flight in EON Magazine

EVE University staff had the distinct pleasure of featuring in the latest issue of EON Magazine, the official print publication to accompany the EVE Online experience.

EON Magazine

EON Magazine

The feature piece in question, Test Flight, focuses on fittings and uses for the many combat ships in the EVE Universe. Why would this be a resourceful asset you ask? Well, put simply, there are tens of thousands of fitting combinations that are useable. Thousands are used daily, and a handful are known as ‘cookie cutter’ fits – basically the best fits to get the job done.

It is the prevalence of cookie cutters that has led to casual name dropping of specific ships as ‘best use’. For examples, Rifters are frequently known as the best PVP tech 1 frigate in the game. Omens are known as a particularly difficult cruiser to fit and fly effectively. Hurricanes are known as particularly fast battlecruisers. The list goes on. However, that is not to say that the other variations out there aren’t good if fit right.

EVE University staff were initially approached to offer fits they felt would be useful to the community, with particular focus on the newer player, but not shunning the old one. And that is what we hoped to deliver, offering a wide variety of fittings (spread 1, spread 2) that new and young pilots alike can enjoy (EVE University CEO Kelduum Revaan was even kind enough to offer a tanked Hulk fit, for those who want to offer a surprising bite to would-be suicide gankers).

Continue reading

The Life of a SpyMaster: Speaking with Akay Quinn

Intel and subterfuge are two interesting components to EVE Online. Not only does the concept provide tangible and manifest benefits within the game, but it plays a very strong meta-game position as well (that being, effects going beyond the realm of the game).

Few networks have become as proficient at the art of intelligence gathering as the dreaded Goonswarm Intelligence Agency (or GIA for short), who have been accredited with some of the most intriguing intelligence leaks and corporate upsets in the history of EVE.

We have today the privilege of speaking to Akay Quinn, current chief of GIA, filling the position that The Mittani once held.

Zeroniss: So when did you start playing EVE Online? Continue reading

Pilot’s Perspective: Fun on Singularity Server



I recently wandered onto the Eve Singularity test server to relax and fly some shiny ships that I am admittedly too poor to fly on the Tranquility server. After the slightly lengthy but worthwhile update to the test client I was greeted by my character selection screen. I was a bit disappointed that the most recent mirror to the test server was before my new character portrait was finalized. Since the current mirror was a bit farther behind then I was hoping I wasn’t able to fly the ships I am now capable of flying.

I started roaming around killing random rats when I saw a few people from our beloved EVE University log on and start chatting about some PvP practice and how to coordinate it. This conversation piqued my interest quite a bit. As I don’t consider myself a god amongst mortals I thought I would join my fellow Unistas for some laid back PvP training outside a nearby station. I started out by flying some of my favorite cruisers like the Rupture and Stabber – let’s just say that it didn’t end end in my favor. I had decided to have some fun in a shinier ship so I hopped into a Cynabal and fit it up as best as I knew. Continue reading

EVE University Updates Rules of Engagement

In a surprising and welcome announcement, EVE University CEO Kelduum Revaan announced that as of today EVE University will officially be adopting a NBSI (Not Blue, Shoot It) Engagement Policy for Nullsec and Wormhole Space.

Many are heralding it as a welcome change, as for seven years of flying under a Not Red, Don’t Shoot (NRDS) policy, Ivy League members have often been forced to wait until engaged first – thereby losing the advantage where an engagement is about to occur.

“The changes will only apply to permitted areas of engagement – that being NPC Nullsec and Wormhole Space (Sec status -1.0 to 0.0). Our rules of engagement will remain the same in Highsec and Lowsec, and the areas of space where University members are permitted to enter shall remain the same.”

Many have heralded this as an excellent opportunity for University members to start fielding ships that had previously been frowned on, and use tactics that had previously been forbidden. “It is an exciting time,” said Director of Education Neville Smit. “This opens a great deal of new learning opportunities for us to present to the students and we are keen to exploit this.”

EVE University still operates under an open NAP policy – any corporation or alliance in New Eden may request to have us set as blues and have such reciprocated, regardless of prior experiences.

EVE University’s new Rules of Engagement come into effect from 00:01 on 16th April 2011.

Do you hold previously poor standings with EVE University? See our standings page here, as well as information on how to seek an NAP.

Will this change in standings effect you in any way? Tell us more here.

Read EVE University CEO Kelduum Revaan’s official announcement in the CAOD section of the EVE Online forums here.