E-UNI Guests Lectures on Scamming and Black Ops

EVE University is proud to host a special event this weekend. We are proud to present to our students a guest lecture on Scamming and Black Ops. The guest lecturers are Akay Quinn of GoonWaffe, generally renowned for having his fingers in many secret pies, and Vonqueesha Shenaynay, a talented con-artist.

Akay Quinn

Akay Quinn

The lecture will be coverings issues of a subversive nature; how to run and operate a few beginner scams (which Vonqueesha has graciously agreed to lecture on), and matters of social psychology and it’s impact on politics and in-game society – in short, meta-game skills at their best.

Akay Quinn will briefly cover the realm of spies, and the infiltration and exploitation of Corporations and Alliances – a skill he has all but perfected in his time.

The lecture will additionally cover the use of Black Ops and the associated logistical issues on how to make them successful.

Vonqueesha Shenaynay

Vonqueesha Shenaynay

It is a thoroughly recommended lecture for those who are seeking something a little different and a little exciting. The event is restricted to current Uni members and Alumni only, however a recording of the lecture may be available in the near future.

Additionally, the Media Department is working on securing interviews with both of these very mysterious individuals, and these may be available in the very near future.

E-UNI members are reminded that much of what they will learn in this class CANNOT be used during their time in the Uni, but it offers an excellent insight into the darker side of EVE.

Class Details: Saturday, 5th March 2011, at 18:00 (Server Time)

Futher details can be found in this thread.

Hide Your Hulks! Hulkageddon IV To Begin Soon

Image Courtesy machine9.net

Zeroniss - EditorZeroniss EDITOR

It is that time of year again, and once more, as it has for the past few years, Hulkageddon is poised to begin. Everyone in New Eden is feeling the effects, no matter what walk of life one has chosen to pursue.

May it be the humble mission runner, who now quakes in fear for the loss of his salvager. Or the docile miner, restricting himself to only the most vigilant of mining spurts. Or the pragmatic station trader, who is watching commodity costs rise as the supply chokes out despite unwavering demand. And of course, the brazen PvP warrior, who is suddenly keeping a closer eye on his ships because replacing them is costing a significant amount more.

So what is Hulkageddon? Confunded by the term? Boggled by the maliciousness behind it’s intent? For starters, the name is a portmanteau of the words Hulk and Armageddon. Hulk, of course, can quite simply be explained as the colossal ORE mining barge that every miner dreams of one day falling asleep at the helm of while he eats whole asteroid belts alive. Armageddon – without delving into too much of a meta-physical analysis of life and the hereafter – is loosely definable as the event that ends all.

So, in a nutshell, it is an event designed to facilitate death upon miners. It is a celebration of such, and the best and classiest harbingers of said death are honoured with a shower of gifts. Sound about right?
Well… sort of.

Hulkageddon has since grown far beyond the humble constraints of a portmanteau, now revelled in widely by the greater New Eden Capsuleer community – a sport of sorts.

Worry not, for we decided to go down this suicidal rabbit hole, and try to get behind what the event is all about. And what better way than to speak directly with the founder and creator of Hulkageddon: Helicity Boson!

Zeroniss: So Helicity, tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been a Capsuleer and a pirate? Continue reading

Eve University Bug Hunting and QA Class A Resounding Success

The EVE University Bug Hunting and Quality Assurance Class, held on the evening of 13th February 2011, was a resounding success. Generating just over 200 attendees, the event was hailed both a success for the event itself, the first University hosted event with guest speakers from CCP, as well as the first ‘trial by fire’ success of the new Mumble server.



The event organizer and host, Ed’rashtekaresket, was pleased with the result.  “It was a runaway success, beyond my expectations!”, he said, quite pleased. “It really was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I hope everyone that was unable to make it will still take the time to download and listen to the recording.” Continue reading

Eve University Draws First Blood

EYGFE, METROPOLIS – Early reports are still murky, however there appears to have been a large fleet engagement in the immediate space surrounding the stargate to the Altrinur system in Eygfe. The scene is littered with the gutted hulls of over a dozen vessels – a silent testament to a furious engagement that occured just a few hours ago.

CONCORD DED spokesman Rikhard Kuln called a brief press conference via FTL video link to confirm details on the matter. “DED can at this time confirm that the war declaration by Insidious. on Ivy League came live at approximately 1741 Coordinated New Eden Time. At approximately 2200 an Insidious. fleet was caught between the Eygfe and Altrinur systems in Metropolis, and the ensuing battle resulted in staggering losses of 1.21 Billion ISK.” Continue reading

Insidious. Declares War on Eve University

ALDRAT, METROPOLIS – Like so many times before Eve University finds itself facing a war – a facet that is now almost daily routine. The aggressors this time are a small alliance called “Insidious.”.
With just 32 members it is still larger than many corporations and alliances which have declared war on the University in recent months, before remaining inside their stations with their tails between their legs, when ILN war fleets turned up on their doorstep.

However reports coming from Intelligence sources are suggesting that the pilots of Insidious are an efficient and well practiced group who over the past week have declared war on a staggering eighteen corporations or alliances. With some of these wars still active, it appears as though Insidious. are looking for as many combat engagements as possible within the borders of Empire Space.
With the war offically going live in the evening of 08.01.YC113, there has been a flurry of activity in the preceeding hours around the Pator Tech School with transport ships hauling war materials into the station in preparation.

Within, campus morale is high with the expectation of some decent fleet engagements in the coming days, and University students actively looking forward to some practical lessons on fleet warfare.

Communication System Overhaul Complete

Aldrat, Metropolis – The 26th of January YC 113 saw the launch of a new communication system within Eve University. Capsuleers are calling it “Mumble” and are beginning to sing its praise even after such a short time in active service. During its rigorous testing it is said there were some minor technical issues with University students being unable to get the system to function properly, these have since been fixed.

EVE University Satellite Clusters

Eve University Satellite Clusters

The system was also fully stress tested to see how it performs under pressure of large numbers of students using it during wartime, when electronic-warfare is widespread. Reports show that it passed all these tests with flying colours and the University technicians have ironed out all issues which have so far appeared with unquantifiable gusto before letting it enter active service.

The new system is reportedly vastly superior to the aging technology which it has replaced. It includes increased integration into a Capsuleers visual systems while aboard a ship with the name and photograph of who is speaking being displayed in an unobtrusive manner.

Continue reading

E-UNI hosts lecture on Bug Hunting and QA featuring CCP developers

ECAID ShipEve University is pleased to announce a very special event featuring two CCP developers on the podium. On February 13th at 18:00 EVE time, E-UNI will be hosting this lecture which will be covering some basics about quality assurance practices for EVE, and how players can help CCP to fix bugs and improve the game.

It is a privilege to have CCP speak directly to players like this, and we are very proud to be able to bring this unique event to the UNI and to the EVE community. As such this lecture will be open to all EVE University members, alumni, friends as well as all other interested parties – as long as they are not part of a hostile organization.

The lecture will run approximately 2.5 to 3 hours, with breaks at two points, depending on how many questions are asked.

The lecture will include a general overview of software bugs, followed by presentations by guest speakers CCP Oneiromancer and CCP Konflikt on CCP Quality Assurance and the role of Bug Hunters in identifying and eliminating defects, respectively. Continue reading