Pator Tech School Sees Action

PATOR TECH SCHOOL, ALDRAT – Residents and visitors aboard the station were briefly awakened when a short firefight broke out in its near vicinity. Station regulars sighed and shook their heads as stray shots hit the station shields, causing minor tremors to pass through the station.

“We’re bloody used to it now,” said Kelgar McCreedy, as he cleaned a new spirit shot glass. The vibrations passed through the station at roughly 2330 HRS. McCreedy’s establishment, McCreedy’s Tavern, was still catering to patrons at the time, causing minor chaos when drinks were tipped and spilled, causing a brief fight that resulted in Station Security being called in. Continue reading

The Last Crusade Declares War

The Last Crusade Declares War Against Ivy League
Sent: 2010.12.28 18:34
The Last Crusade has declared war on Ivy League. Within 24 hours fighting can legally occur between those involved.

In what analysts are suggesting may be a bad move, the 11 member corporation named “The Last Crusade” have declared war on Eve University, with its member count in excess of 1300 active members, leaving them outnumbered at more than 100:1.

The Eve University membership were expecting hostilities soon, although it was unclear who from, as a ‘Mining Op’ (better known by E-UNI members as a ‘wardec attractor’) had recently been posted on the calendar – this declaration comes into effect at 18:34 on the 29th, just 2 hours before the mining event had been scheduled to begin.

New students are ready and waiting to engage their new wartargets after the last campaign  counted a total of one kill and one loss before the attackers summarily docked up when seeing the typical E-UNI ‘Crowd Tanking’ fleets entering the system, leading to the war being nullified by CONCORD.

As usual, those members who do not plan on participating in this wardec have been cleared to leave E-UNI for the duration, allowing them to continue their typical missions, industry and exploration in relative peace.

It is hoped that The Last Crusade are somewhat more active than the last combatants and will indeed ‘come out to play’, saving the pirates who frequent the losec systems around the E-UNI HQ the usual bored fleets looking for something, anything, to shoot – it is suspected however that this ‘Crusade’ may be one of the attackers last before they succumb to the E-UNI curse.

A Uni Night Before Xmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through CBT
Kyrlin was raving ready to murder with glee
It was wartime for the Uni, some students didn’t care,
The rules and SOP they thought didn’t seem fair.

Plenty of warnings they heard, but nay did they dread,
Visions of mining and missions danced in their heads.
Bounties and ore, salvage and scrap,
Hitting F10 they brought up their map.

When out in Aldrat there arose such a clatter,
Uber sprang from a cyno, student’s corpses went splatter.
Nukes being fired everyone turning to ash
Never once questioning if his actions were rash.

Continue reading

Certainly looking better

Well, this are certainly looking a little better here – just waiting for Turhan to finish up the new style (based on the one being used here now) and it’ll get install and we will swap to final tweaking.

Depending on how things work out, we may well open posts here to E-UNI members and alumni, allowing them to write content for the page, although the content will very likely be reviewed for the first few at least.

Should be good!

Uni Students go POS Hunting When Wartargets Fail to Show

ALDRAT, METROPOLIS – Classes were suddenly disrupted on the 14th of July as Black Water Mercenaries declared war against Ivy League, marking the first war for many students. Excitement faded further as enemy war targets failed to show.

Not one to waste a war, Uni leadership took the time to plan a field trip against old enemies – Adventures of the Gummi Bears [AOGB], war targets of a previous war. The Gummi Bears had been discovered with a sizable industrial presence in wormhole space – 17 Player Owned Structures (POSes) – large, shielded towers that protected industrial modules, ships and equipment within the protective bubble.

The result? A stunningly successful and educational operation that resulted in 9.5 billion ISK in damages and the destruction of all Gummi POSes. Continue reading