EVE University announces Director Of Operations

Posted on our forums by Azmodeus Valar

In years past, a position existed inside the University labelled the Director of Operations (DirOps). Over my time in the University, I’ve seen numerous people hold this post, including myself at one point. Each iteration is slightly different, but at its most basic form that person manages day to day operations for EVE University. In some cases they have been the sole person making decisions due to the CEO not being able to participate as much as required, to situations where it was more of a partnership between the two individuals.

I am going to be reinstating the position of Director of Operations, with the understanding that they will handle all issues that arise during normal functioning of the University. The Director of Operations and I will talk frequently, and they will work to ensure my vision of the University continues. They will be the first person someone should contact instead of myself, and I trust their judgement completely. I will continue to actively participate in decision making and discussions, but when a situation requires my input, they will be the one that kicks it up the chain to me. It is my hope that this will lessen the demands on my time during moments i’m devoting to my real life, while still being able to set long term policy for the Uni.

I will still be present, but to a more limited degree. I intend to use some of this time to relax while playing a game I love, instead of devoting it all to corporate leadership. I hope this will allow me to focus on my real life to a greater degree, until I find myself in a better place. I appreciate the kind words and support I have received from those of you that were aware of what was going on.

For the long term, this could result in a better division of labor between CEO and Director of Ops, making both jobs more manageable, me returning the duties of CEO as they currently stand at a later point, or transitioning to a new CEO. Which direction we go will depend on multiple factors over the coming months. Thank you for your understanding as we make these changes.

Effective today, the newest Director of Operations for EVE University will be Laura Karpinski.

Laura has been an active member of the personnel department for years, gradually rising from PO to SPO, Ast. Manager, Director of Personnel, and Director of Human Resources. Judging by the numbers, its possible that she has interviewed more individuals than almost anyone else in Uni history. But I did not pick her based on numbers, but instead on the remarkable qualities she brings to Uni leadership. She is extremely thoughtful and levelheaded, and has been a pleasure to work with. Additionally, she has shown herself capable of making hard decisions when the need arises.

As Director of Operations, Laura Karpinski, will be handling all issues that previous would have escalated to myself. Please join me in congratulating her on her new position.

Changes – Part 3

Posted on our forums by Azmodeus Valar

For several years, one individual has been tirelessly working behind the scenes to insure that many of the University’s services continue to function for students. He has rewritten major tools the University regularly uses, designed interfaces to connect services, and helped with general server maintenance and troubleshooting to improve all of our lives.

Unfortunately, that type of assistance is all too often not visible to most students, and the person’s accomplishments can be hidden.

To help give him the recognition he so greatly deserves, Bates Larsson is being named Director of Web Services. In this role he will continue to assist us with our server needs, and hopefully be given the credit he has earned through his hard work.

Please join me in congratulating Bates Larsson.

Changes – Part 2

Posted on our forums by Azmodeus Valar

As time passes, faces in the University will come and go, but the University itself will always remain. It is stronger for their contributions, and with each generation new people rise to meet the challenges of continuing our mission to help educate new players in EVE Online.

I have been CEO for over 3 years, and over that time have seen great friends enter the University, and in some cases leave. With each change there is an opportunity for growth, and today is another one of those opportunities.

Today, I have the privilege and honor of recognizing some of us that are moving on, and some that are accepting new challenges.

Kivena has been a long serving member of E-UNI Leadership, first starting in the teaching department, rising through the ranks to lead that department, and finally moving over to maintain our Communications Department. His advice and counsel have been invaluable, but we are sad to announce that real life has drawn him away from the game. He has been given an amazing real life opportunity to pursue, and is stepping down as Director of Communications to follow his dream. Please join me in thanking Kivena for all of his hard work over the years.

Rose Chanlin has been a member of EVE University for years, first serving in the personnel department, leading personnel, and most recently as Director of Special Projects. During that tenure I have come to rely on him and his hard work. However, Rose has approached me asking for new tasks to occupy him, and I am happy to see him moving into another department to continue serving the University. Rose Chanlin will be the new Director of Communications. Please join me in congratulating Rose on his new position.

Director of Special Projects
Since its inception, the Director of Special Projects has overseen more and more responsibility. Campuses have continued to expand, becoming a huge success. As they have become more central to University life, the task of Director of Special Projects has grown past what one person can comfortably manage. With this in mind, the Special Projects Department will be split into two sections. The first will include the High-Sec Campus (HSC), Low-Sec Campus (LSC) and Incursions. The second will include the Amarr Mining Campus (AMC), Null-Sec Campus (NSC), Solitude, and the Wormhole Campus (WHC).

These sections were designed to try and spread the workload between the 2 directors while keeping some related activities together. There is no clean way to make the split, and it is subject to change in the future as we get a better grasp of how the division will work in reality. It also does not mean that campuses will not work together if they are in different sections. It just means that have a different director assigned to help and offer guidance. Both directors in Special Projects, as well as any other director, are always willing to help anyone who needs it, no matter what campus is officially assigned to which person.

Pehuen will be Director of Special Projects overseeing the HSC, Incursions, LSC, and oversight of the new Cross Campus Initiative. Pehuen is a long time campus manager, having served at the LSC for some time. He has extensive background in many aspects of the game, including pvp, pve, logistics, and industry that will serve him well in his new position. Please join me in congratulating Pehuen on his new position as Director of Special Projects

Bora Vyvorant will be Director of Special Projects overseeing the AMC, NSC, Solitude, and WHC. Bora is a long-standing member of the NSC and current NSC manager. He has guided the NSC through multiple events, demonstrating incredible skills in diplomacy, logistics, and planning that will make him a tremendous resource for the University. Please join me in congratulating Bora on his new position as Director of Special Projects

Both Pehuen and Bora will continue to act as temporary campus managers during the transition until replacements have been found and named. Fancy forum colors and ranks will be awarded in the very near future.

Changes for EVE University

Posted on our forums by Azmodeus Valar
Here is a list of announced changes for E-UNI, effective today.

1: New Position- Director of Structures
The Director of Structures will be the central point of contact to oversee and coordinate all structures across the University. With citadels on the horizon, followed by a second wave of industrial structures, in-space structures will be a central part of any organization. This individual will launch and manage all structures for the University and its Campuses. This will include coordinating payment, launching into space, configuring, and setting access lists.

Kaein Soturus has been diligently exploring Sisi for citadel changes, and will be our first Director of Structures. Kaein has been serving as our Director of Human Resources for years, and was a title manager before that. If you have any questions regarding citadels in the future, Kaein will be the central point of contact in the University. Please join me in thanking Kaein for taking on this responsibility.

2. Mentoring
For the last few years, the Mentoring department has been included under the Department of Education. Recent changes in recruitment, such as the Orientation Officer initiative have proven successful, and prompted changes in mentoring. Henceforth, Mentoring will be included under the Department of Human Resources. This will allow for a seamless student experience from recruitment, orientation, mentoring, and titles. We expect this change to help improve student services in the future.

3. Director of Human Resources
Laura Karpinski has been our Director of Personnel for some time, and is now moving up to oversee all areas of Human Resources. She is a hardworking member of the University, and we expect Human Resources to flourish under her leadership. She will be responsible for Personnel, Titles, and Mentoring. Her old position as head of Personnel will revert to a Manager position, and she will be announcing her replacement for that position in the near future. Please join me in congratulating Laura Karpinski.

4. Campuses
Both the Amarr Mining Campus (AMC) and Project Solitude have been listed as unofficial campuses, with no official Eve University Management involved. Both of these groups will be changing to official campuses, with Jefferson Spence being named AMC Manager, and Sally Digital being named Solitude Manager. Sally and Jefferson have both been vital members of their respective communities, and we expect them to be a wonderful addition to the management team. It will allow us to more closely work with these groups to offer a wide variety of educational opportunities to all Uni students. Please join me in congratulating both Jefferson Spence and Sally Digital.

5. Cross Campus Initiative
Rose Chanlin will be announcing details of this new program soon. Stay tuned.

6. There is no 6

Amarr Championships: Final Round


The final round of the Amarr Championships are rapidly approaching, with EVE University’s own Kelon Darklight competing as a house champion.


Kelon’s team dominated the first rounds of the competition, and will be finishing his road to victory Friday, April 22nd, at 17:00 Eve Time.

Make sure you tune in via CCP’s twitch to watch the action.



One week ago, EVE University declared war. Our will was strong, our minds were clear, and our goal was simple; retribution.

The PIRAT alliance had been a frequent opponent of ours, often declaring “war” in order to strike at those engaged in commerce at major trade hubs. We entered this week intending to teach PIRAT what war meant, and they received a full and bloody education. Soon, groups such as A Few Brave Men  granted us their aid in this endeavor.

PIRAT, like many “high sec mercenaries”, uses out of corp income to support their operations. The Lizaveta Corporation was one of these money making operations, with a significant number of  Player Owned Customs Offices (POCO)  scattered through space generating tax revenue. After one week of of War E-Uni with the support of A Few Brave Men destroyed 185 POCOs.

Through intel gathered by many, pieced together by White 0rchid, and put into action with the help of people like Gareth Correlian, Mattikus Pathfinder, Jefferson Spence, Kyle Hargrove, Kara Burnett, Frozen Adler, Tusoro Tsero, and many others, we have struck a decisive blow against our enemy. Not only did we destroy 185 POCOs, but we have decisively engaged them in a major battle. That battle showed PIRAT and their friends the danger of facing a militant EVE University when supported by our many friends across New Eden, and it was an expensive lesson for them.

While we have named specific people for their contribution and cited specific battles one, the accomplishments of this week are not measured in isk and destruction. The true heroes of this week are not the organizers, fcs, or management. The true heroes of this week are the countless students and staff who have dedicated their time and ammo in common cause. None of this is possible without the participation and assistance of all of us. The true meaning of this week was not war, but community, and what we can accomplish as a group. Over this week new people have come together, created new experiences, and formed new bonds. And though we now return to normal life, with many of us scattering to our own smaller section of space, the memory of what we have accomplished will remain.

“We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”

We are EVE University.

Kelon Darklight Victorious

In an amazing string of battles, Kelon Darklight’s team has emerged with a perfect 5-0 record from the latest rounds of the Amarr Championships.

He will be one of the two finalists competing at fanfest to determine the next Amarrian Emperor.

Join me in congratulating him and his team for a tremendous performance.