Kelon Darklight Victorious in Round 1

In the first round the the Amarr Championship, Kelon Darklight’s team soundly defeated their opponent.  Their missile spewing legion made short work of the enemy confessors, leaving just the enemy legion to destroy. It put up a valiant effort, but eventually melted under the sustained dps.

Congratulations on the first win, and tune in at 19:00 at CCP’s Twitch for the next fight.

Cheer on Kelon Darklight

The Amarr Championships are coming, and one of EVE University’s own is participating.

The first round of fights begins on November 8th, with Kelon Darklight’s team fighting at 16:40 in the 11th match vs Chessur.

The match will be streamed via CCP’s Twitch. Make sure you tune in and watch.

More information about the Championships can be found here.

Tyrian Trophy II – An RvB and Eve-UNI Tournament

Alliance Logos

On the weekend of the 21/22 November 2015, EVE University will be taking part in the Tyrian Trophy II, a double elimination tournament arranged by RvB, with 5-man teams made up of pilots from all three involved corporations: EVE University, Red Federation and Blue Republic.

There are over 25 billion ISK in prizes already available, with more expected to be announced. There are no SP or pilot age requirements, and teams will be made up of both battle-hardened veterans and the newest of the new pilots fighting together.

You can find the full rules and sign-up threads on either the RvB forums here, or the E-UNI forums here.


In August, there will be an exciting series of free-for-all tournaments for members of EvE University! If you’ve never participated in this type of event before, you don’t want to miss out. Win or lose, everyone involved is sure to have a lot of fun fighting to be the last man standing!

On August 8th at 02:00 Eve Time, all EvE Univeristy pilots who are approximately six months or younger will have a chance to hone their skills and learn how FFAs work, in the Last Newb Standing frigate tournament.

On August 22nd & 23rd is the big event: a Battle Royale open to ALL members of EvE University. On the first day there will be two fights: frigates and then destroyers. On the second day, the big guns come out: cruisers, and finally battle-cruisers!

Currently, thanks to the generous donations of your fellow E-Uni pilots, the total prizes for all events is somewhere over  billion ISK! That’s right. E-i-g-h-t-b-i-l-l-i-o-n! But remember, while the prizes are great they are not our primary goal. The purpose of these events is for all of us to come together as a corp, and have some fun, and participate in something special.

Please click the links above for more details.


Posted on behalf of Jindo Lee

HQ is Moving

Earlier today our CEO, Azmodeus Valar, announced that the HQ of EVE University will move from Aldrat to Slays. The following text was given to explain the movement:

Since 2009, EVE University has listed Aldrat as its official headquarters in New Eden. This was the latest in a history of different locations, ranging from 0.0 to Korsiki. It too will soon be part of our history.

On August 1st, 2015 EVE University will change its official headquarters to the Slays system, located near the market hub of Stacmon. This will involve moving of all University Services based at Aldrat, including, but not limited to services such as hangars, BYOM, and PYOS.

This will not be our forever home, but is merely another step to keep the University focused on what helps us meet the needs of our students. It is our hope that the new location will best serve the University moving forward, much as Aldrat was selected in 2009 as the best option at that time.

There will be small disruptions in University services during the move. Logistics staff and Management have been working behind the scenes for the last month in preparation, but some work still remains.

Directorship Moves

On 16 July 2015 Azmodeus Valar, CEO of EVE University announced the following:

With the recent departure of Irdalth from his position as Director of Public Information, some changes are taking place with other Directors.

First, the section for Public Information is being renamed “Communications”. This better encapsulates its intended role.
They will oversee the front page, wiki, and social media on one front, along with Diplomacy for in-game relations.

Kivena, our Director of Education, will be transitioning over to be Director of Communications. They have represented the Uni at fanfest, overseen significant projects on the wiki, and are an overall great individual. This new job is a perfect match for their skills.

Titus Tallang, Teaching Director, will be filling Kivena’s old position overseeing Teaching, Events and Mentors as Director of Education. Titus has been instrumental in maintaining our teaching section, and it is a natural transition.

The current position of Teaching Director is being changed to a manager position, and will be filled at some point in the future.

New Mumble Server

Starting on Tuesday July 7, 2015, all EVE University operations will be officially moving to its new Mumble servers. The address for the new servers are:

Official Mumble, default port (64738)

Public Mumble Server:, port (64739)

The current servers will remain up and available for a week or two afterward, just as a fallback in case any critical issues are found with the new server. If no problems are found, then they will be decomissioned and no longer available, so all operations should move to the new servers. Authentication on the new servers is the same as before. When you first log in, you must enter your forum password. Thereafter, you will no longer be asked for your password. However, you should make a backup of your Mumble certificate, because if you lose it (including re-installing Mumble so that it creates a new one) then you will lose your access to the server until an admin manually un-registers your account.


Please notice the change in address.  One week after a redirect will be put in place, but will cause your mumble to show a certificate error if you continue to try and use the old address. Please switch to the new address on July 7th.