E-UNI to host CSM Town Hall: March 23 @ 19:00

Council of Stellar Management

EVE University will host the next Council of Stellar Management (CSM) Town Hall meeting on its public Mumble server on Sunday, March 23rd at 19:00 EVE time.

Instructions for access to the UNI public Mumble server can be found here: http://eveuni.org/publicmumble

Each Town Hall is an open forum for the CSM to dialogue with EVE Online players about possible future directions for the game’s development. The CSM is a key stakeholder in CCP’s development process, and represents players’ interests.

This Town Hall will be simulcast by EVE Radio. Participants may submit questions to the CSM during the meeting, using an in-game chat channel.

E-UNI to host public interviews with EVE Online celebrities

On March 15, 2014, EVE University will celebrate the 10th anniversary since its founding by Morning Maniac. E-UNI will mark the special occasion with a plethora of special events throughout the month of March. As part of this anniversary celebration, EVE University will host a series of live, public interviews and Q&A sessions of well-known EVE Online celebrities. These events will be held on the UNI public Mumble server, and will be open to anyone, not just E-UNI members. Scheduled so far:

  • March 2, 20:00 EVE time – The Mittani, the CEO of GoonWaffe, head of GoonSwarm Federation, a principal leader of the CFC, former chairman of the Council of Stellar Management, as well as entrepreneurial publisher of the popular online game news sites, TheMittani.com. (DOWNLOAD of recording of this Q&A)
  • March 3, 21:00 EVE time – Lahari , Executor for Against ALL Authorities (DOWNLOAD of recording for this Q&A)
  • March 6, 20:00 EVE time – Grath Telkin, the CEO of Sniggerdly and FC from Pandemic Legion (DOWNLOAD of recording for this Q&A)
  • March 12, 19:00 EVE time – Morning Maniac, the original founder of EVE University (DOWNLOAD of recording for this Q&A)
  • March 14, 17:00 EVE time – Jonny Pew, well-known EVE Online videoblogger and commentator
  • March 15, 20:00 EVE Time – Jean Leaner, head of Intel for Nulli Secunda (DOWNLOAD 0f recording for this Q&A)
  • March 21, 18:30 EVE time – Chribba, one of the most famous personalities in EVE Online, and one of the few with his own entry in the official Evelopedia (DOWNLOAD 0f recording for this Q&A)

UNI management expects to schedule many more interviews and Q&A sessions. To participate, attendees need to register on EVE University’s public Mumble server. Use this guide for set-up: http://www.eveuni.org/publicmumble. Participants may post questions on the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel.

Bring Out The Bling FFA

EVE University is about learning, and the Frigate FFA system is about teaching us how to fight in cheap and easily replaced T1 frigs. This system provides a wealth of experience to new Unistas, and lets older members contribute to their growth.

However, we’re aware that restricting the hulls used also somewhat restricts the learning experience, and that is something we hope to solve with the “Bring Out The Bling” FFA event. This event is intended to give younger Unistas a chance to try out the more varied T1 hulls without incurring an unreasonable amount of pressure to their wallets – while also giving our veteran members the opportunity to showcase some of the shinies they’ve accumulated, a rare occurrence in UNI events.

The event is scheduled to start at 18:00 EVE time on February the 22nd and will then run until March the 2nd at 23:59 EVE time. The entire Libold system will be the battlefield in which brave Unistas will do battle, and any non-rookie T1 frigate will be considered a valid target.

An event like this cannot happen without some sweet sweet prizes, and there’s a whole lot of them this time – especially for newer members. For example, the lucky Freshman to score the most expensive solo kill will be rewarded with a Daredevil hull from the “On a Dare” challenge. Looking to fix up your wallet a bit instead? If you bring a Merlin, you can make 200 million ISK in cold hard cash by scoring highest on ISK killed in that ship, thus winning the “Bird of Prey” challenge!

We also realized that many younger Unistas wouldn’t be able to afford some of the shinier ships to be flown in this event on their own, and we set out to do something about that. Thus, a number of older players are offering sponsorships to any aspiring pilots that meet their criteria. However, these offers are limited, so if you intend to fly in the event you’d better hurry over to the event’s announcement thread to find out which sponsorships you qualify for! Even if you miss out on a sponsorship opportunity, you can still grab a T1 frigate of your choice and join in on the mayhem – remember the Merlin challenge mentioned above!

As always, there’s also some restrictions. To encourage participation, no podding will be allowed in the event. For the full rules, as well as the list of prizes and sponsorships, please see the announcement thread.

Join in for fun and learning! And for this one – fly a little dangerously.

Testing New Waters: NBSI in LowSec and PVP in SovNull

The EVE University will have her 10th birthday on March 15th. The preparations for our birthdays usually end up in some big changes to our rules. Last year was themed “RoE and WSOP Changes”, this year will be no different. Since we’re testing (for us) new waters here, we will start with two 1 month long test phases.

Phase 1 will start on Feburary 15th, Phase 2 starts on our birthday, March 15th.

Phase 1 – Feburary 15th to March 14th – PVP in SovNull Space

Every Unista is free to venture into Sov Null Space to find PVP fights. Before that it was only allowed when you were accompanied by an Officer or a Manager. For this month every Unista can freely roam through Null to find those fights people are talking about. Or kill some ratting capitals. Note: We are (for quite some time) NBSI in NullSec and Wormhole space.

Since neutrality is one of our biggest claims, members of EVE University are only allowed to go to Sov Null to find PVP fights. Excluded are involvement in Sov-Warfare (Structure Shoots, big terretorial fights etc.) and any form of PVE.
After the month we will evaluate our experience and decide if we make this rule permanent.

Phase 2 – March 15th to April 14th – NBSI in LowSec

We will go NBSI (Not Blue Shoot It) in Low Security Space for the duration of a month. Every member of EVE University is allowed to shoot neutrals, not matter their setup. We discourage gate camps in entry systems because we do not want to be “those guys”. Our rules of Security Status (-2 and above for roles, -5 immediatly being removed from the corp) will stay, as well as any other rule like “no ransoms” or “treat everyone in and out of corp with respect”.
After the month we will evaluate our experience and decide if we make this rule permanent.

If you are affected by these tests, do not fear!

We have an open Non-Aggression-Pact policy. Every Corporation and Alliance can request to be set +5 to the Uni via this handy form. If you have any questions how this might affect you, join the ingame chat channel Diplomacy.E-Uni and talk to our friendly diplomats.

Pew pew! In Ravens. With Rails. And Lasers.

CCP Games praises EVE University Wiki as a Featured Fansite

In a recent post by CCP Gargant, the EVE University Wiki, also known as the UNIWiki, was identified as a “Featured Fansite”, because of its value to both new and experienced players of EVE Online.

The UNIWiki is a free resource available to anyone. CCP Gargant wrote: “The wiki provides information on almost everything within EVE Online. Epic Arcs, mining, industry, PvP, ship types, Lore, and even scams have a section there, and that is by no means a finite list. I strongly suggest you head on over to see if you find something to your liking.”

Azmodeus Valar, CEO of EVE University, said, “Thanks for all the great words about the wiki. However, we can’t do it alone. We can always use help correcting out of date information, or adding new information.”

EVE University Hosts CSM Town Hall: January 19 @ 19:00

Council of Stellar Management

UPDATE: a recording of this Town Hall can now be found here: http://multiplexgaming.com/m/sounds/view/Podside-Town-Hall-420140119

EVE University will host the next Council of Stellar Management (CSM) Town Hall meeting on its public Mumble server on Sunday, January 19th at 19:00 EVE time.

Instructions for access to the UNI public Mumble server can be found here: http://eveuni.org/publicmumble

Each Town Hall is an open forum for the CSM to dialogue with EVE Online players about possible future directions for the game’s development. The CSM is a key stakeholder in CCP’s development process, and represents players’ interests.

This Town Hall will be simulcast by EVE Radio. Participants may submit questions to the CSM during the meeting, using an in-game chat channel.


EVE University begins Project Ascension

E-UNI provides support for free sharing of information regarding Star Gate technology

With the release of the Rubicon expansion, CCP Games introduced Ghost Sites – pirate faction combat sites that include research facilities for the development of Star Gate technology. This technology could make the development of advanced Star Gates possible. These advanced gates could transport pilots to other star clusters or galaxies, opening a “New World” of unexplored territory to capsuleers.

The exact nature of the components required to build a Star Gate, and how they might work, is as yet completely unknown. But there have been enough hints provided to know that key components will be found in dangerous Ghost Sites. Capsuleers will have to retrieve them, and experiment with them, in order to learn how a Star Gate may be constructed.

In order to accelerate the development of Star Gate technology, EVE University is launching Project Ascension. It has established a section for the free sharing of information about Star Gate and related components on its UniWiki resource: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Project_Ascension. E-UNI will also make available a dedicated discussion area, open to the public, in its forums: http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewforum.php?f=252. Additional resources will be provided by E-UNI to support experimentation with Star Gate components, as required.

“All information about Star Gate technology should be made available to all pilots in New Eden,” said Neville Smit, EVE University’s Teaching Director and coordinator for Project Ascension. “The opportunity to explore new space should not be limited to an elite few, but open to all who aspire to do so. As part of EVE University’s mission to share all information of interest to capsuleers, we are excited to provide facilities for the collection and free exchange of discoveries regarding Star Gates and related technologies.”

All pilots who learn anything about Ghost Sites and any components discovered there are urged to participate in Project Ascension by posting their findings on the wiki, and sharing their observations on the dedicated forum.