CSM8 Representatives to Speak in UNI Guest Lectures

EVE University will soon host two public guest lectures and interactive Q&A sessions with Council of Stellar Management (CSM) representatives, Ali Aras and Mangala Solaris.

Ali Aras will speak on July 8th at 01:00 EVE time, and Mangala Solaris will speak on July 13th at 19:00 EVE time. Both Q&A sessions will be moderated by EVE University’s Teaching Director, Neville Smit.

Ali Aras


“These public guest lectures and Q&A sessions are very valuable for both new and experienced EVE Online players,” said Smit. “Both Ali and Mangala are dedicated EVE players, representing different perspectives on how to succeed in the game. In addition, as CSM8 representatives, they have unique points of view about EVE and where it is going. I’m looking forward to moderating these sessions.”

Mangala Solaris


These events, sponsored by EVE University, are open to everyone on the UNI’s public Mumble server. Use this guide for set-up: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble#Very_quick_guide_.28PUBLIC_SERVER.29 – participants should also join the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel, where they can post questions during the discussions.

These events are part of EVE University’s ongoing series of guest lectures, bringing different perspectives of noted personalities in EVE Online to all interested capsuleers. Check the EVE University class library for recordings of past guest lectures.

E-UNI hosts public interview and Q&A with EVE celebrity Roc Wieler

Roc WielerOn June 29th at 17:00 EVE time, EVE University will host a live public interview with one of EVE Online’s most celebrated personalities, Roc Wieler.  Die-hard Minmatar combat pilot, CSM candidate, and real-life musician and wellness guru, Roc is one of the EVE community’s most colorful and interesting people.

You can learn more about Roc on his website: http://www.rocwieler.com – visitors will find some excellent EVE themed music there, plus plenty of other interesting posts about his EVE Online experiences and real-life fitness regimen and recommendations.

The interview will be moderated by UNI Teaching Director, Neville Smit. “I’m delighted to host Roc for this public Q&A session. He is undoubtedly one EVE’s more fascinating personalities, and he brings a wealth of experience, both in game and in real life,” said Smit. “I’m really looking forward to interviewing Roc and fielding questions from our audience.”

This event, sponsored by EVE University, is open to everyone on the UNI’s public Mumble server. Use this guide for set-up: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble#Very_quick_guide_.28PUBLIC_SERVER.29 – participants should also join the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel, where they can post questions during the discussion.

This event is one of EVE University’s ongoing series of guest lectures, bringing different perspectives of noted personalities in EVE Online to all interested capsuleers. Check the EVE University class library for recordings of these guest lectures.

EVE University to Host CSM8 Town Hall meetings on Public Mumble Server

Council of Stellar Management

EVE University will host six Town Hall meetings of the Council of Stellar Management (CSM) on its public Mumble audio server over the next year. These events provide an opportunity for the CSM to share information about the possible future direction of EVE Online’s development with the player base, and to collect ideas and feedback in return.

Each Town Hall will be simulcast by EVE Radio. Participants may send questions to the CSM during each Town Hall meeting, using an in-game chat channel.

The first CSM8 Town Hall meeting will be held on June 16th at 19:00 EVE time.

Additional CSM Town Hall sessions are planned for:

  • late August (after the summer CSM summit meeting at CCP headquarters)
  • early October
  • mid November (before the winter summit meeting)
  • third week in January (after the winter summit meeting)
  • mid March (before the CSM9 elections)

Precise dates and times for these planned Town Halls will be announced by the CSM at a later date.

Instructions for setting up access to the UNI public mumble server can be found here: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble#Very_quick_guide_.28PUBLIC_SERVER.29

“We’re happy to support the efforts of CSM8 on behalf of the EVE player community,” said UNI CEO Azmodeus Valar. “We urge everyone interested in the development of EVE Online to join these Town Hall meetings.”


Ripard Teg to Speak at UNI Guest Lecture

On June 1st at 19:00 EVE time, blogger extraordinaire and recently elected Vice-Chairman of the Council of Stellar Management 8, Ripard Teg, will speak at a public question and answer session sponsored by EVE University, as part of the UNI’s ongoing Guest Lecture series.


Ripard Teg

Ripard Teg is the editor of the popular blog, Jester’s Trek. He is also an experienced combat pilot, flying in the Rote Kapelle alliance, mostly in NPC nullsec space. He was elected to CSM8 with the second-highest vote count, and recently selected by his peers to be Vice-Chairman.

This event, sponsored by EVE University, is open to everyone on the UNI’s public Mumble server. Use this guide for set-up: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble#Very_quick_guide_.28PUBLIC_SERVER.29 – participants should also join the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel, where they can post questions during the discussion.

Neville Smit, EVE University’s Teaching Manager, will moderate the Q&A session.

This event is one of EVE University’s ongoing series of guest lectures, bringing different perspectives of noted personalities in EVE Online to all interested capsuleers. Check the EVE University class library for recordings of these guest lectures.

EVE Lore Experts to Hold Public Panel Discussion

EVE Online is built upon a massive amount of backstory and role-playing lore. On May 24th at 01:00 EVE time, three experts on EVE lore will discuss recent events in New Eden, and speculate on their implications for the future of EVE Online.

The three panelists include:

  • Rhavas – leading participant in the Arek’Jaalan wormhole study project, and aficionado of the history of New Eden
  • Mark726 – curator of the EVE Travel website, and author of the EVE Lore Survival Guide
  • Morwen Lagann – expert on the back story of EVE, primary archivist for the Arek’Jaalan Project and moderator of the Backstage role playing forum as well as the in-game role-playing chat channels, The Summit and OOC

If you have ever wondered about any aspect of EVE lore or history, or how to play the game as a role-player, now is your chance to get informed answers.

Neville Smit, EVE University’s Teaching Manager, will moderate the panel. “Development of EVE Online’s backstory and lore have seen a resurgence lately,” says Smit, “with the Battle of Caldari Prime and the recent news of changes in New Eden’s political factions. Our panelists understand the importance of these changes and how they foretell possible directions in future gameplay in EVE. I’m looking forward to moderating this event, and I think it will be of interest not only to EVE role-players, but to anyone who enjoys playing the game.”

This event, sponsored by EVE University, is open to everyone on the UNI’s public Mumble server. Use this guide for set-up: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Mumble#Very_quick_guide_.28PUBLIC_SERVER.29 – participants should also join the Lecture.E-UNI in-game chat channel, where they can post questions to the panelists during the discussion.

This event is one of EVE University’s ongoing series of guest lectures, bringing different perspectives of noted personalities in EVE Online to all interested capsuleers. Check the EVE University class library for recordings of these guest lectures.

UNIs to Invade Fanfest

On April 25-27, CCP will host Fanfest, the annual gathering of EVE Online enthusiasts, in Reykjavik, Iceland. This year’s Fanfest celebrates the 10th anniversary of the introduction of EVE Online, so CCP has promised to make this event extraordinary.

Fanfest 2013

Not wanting to miss the party, dozens of EVE University and DUST University students plan to attend Fanfest this year. According to informal polls, UNI attendance is expected to be about 50 fans of EVE Online and DUST 514.

Bairfhionn Isu, UNI Director of Education, is looking forward to the event. “Last year was a lot of fun, meeting and hanging out with fellow UNIs. I can’t wait to do again this year.”

D-UNI CEO Dennie Fleetfoot also plans to attend in what he calls “the non-armoured uniform of DUST University.”

Last year, UNIs claimed a corner of the Harpa convention hall, which became their base of operations for the entire event. UNIs attending Fanfest should look for their comrades on the second floor in the seating area near the concession stand.

After event hours each evening, UNIs can meet up in the lobby bar at the Þingholt CenterHotel – also known as the “Thingholt”.

If you are not going to Fanfest….

For those unable to attend, you can listen in on the various briefings online. CCP will be live streaming EVE Fanfest sessions in standard definition for free on their Twitch.TV channel (http://www.twitch.tv/ccp)

Alternatively, you buy the high-definition live stream for a one-time fee of $19.95 USD or one PLEX (Pilot License Extension) – you can purchase the HD Fanfest stream here: https://secure.eveonline.com/fanfest/stream.aspx – this package includes:

  • Three full days of high definition programming live from Fanfest
  • Access to the HD stream of a series of live pre-Fanfest interviews with CCP developers.
  • A digital copy of the Fanfest “Quafe” Tshirt for EVE Online, which matches the shirt attendees receive
  • A choice of one of five pirate faction rookie ships for EVE Online: the Angel Cartel Echo, Blood Raider Hematos, Dread Guristas Taipan, Sansha’s Nation Immolator or Serpentis Violator
  • One of fifty copies of the Quafe Scout vk.0 dropsuit for DUST 514—a flashy and effective dropsuit for confident mercenaries

Fanfest tickets sold out early this year – so plan on buying them early next year and join us in Reykjavik in 2014!

CSM7 Chairman Seleene discusses future of CSM and EVE Online


On April 6, Seleene, chairman of CSM7 and who will be leaving his post after Fanfest later this month, spoke in an online Q&A session with Neville Smit, EVE University Teaching Manager. In this interview, Seleene talked frankly about the successes and weaknesses of CSM7 – its evolving role with CCP, the contributions made to the upcoming Odyssey expansion, and its ongoing legacy.

In addition, Seleene discussed the current state of EVE Online – the stagnation of nullsec space, the proliferation of capital ships, the role of risk in high sec, and the untapped potential yet to be realized in the game design.

This interview was one of EVE University’s ongoing Guest Lecture series, covering many different perspectives by prominent EVE Online personalities.

A recording of the complete Q&A session is now available for download from EVE University’s class library, and can be found here: http://wiki.eveuniversity.org/EVE_University_Class_Library#Special