EVE University Calling: Becoming a Mentor

One of the primary missions at EVE University is to teach new players starting the game from a background with little to no knowledge of the mechanics and nuances of EVE Online – arguably one of the most difficult sandbox MMOs currently on the market. In a world so daunting, classes may seem like a terrific way to learn. But there will be times when there isn’t an important class you need available, and a tedious gap in your knowledge that you are burning to fill. What do you do?

Chances are, your assigned Mentor will be your first calling point.

The Mentor program was established to give students that close tutor support they may need to help them get started with their first steps. Want to know how PI works? Your Mentor will point you in the right direction. Concerned how your PVP fit is? Your Mentor will give you unjudgemental advice and assistance.

We took a little time to speak to Alastar Frost, the Mentor Manager at EVE University. Continue reading

Under the Anonymous Crosshairs

EVE University has had an interesting 7th birthday. Coming out of a three and a half week period of almost continuous war, students were greeted this morning with a notification that war had been declared against Ivy League by Holding Corp One – a one man corporation headed by an alt character.

EVE University CEO Kelduum Revaan was available for comment. “I am saddened by this latest turn of events. It has been brought to my attention by the sole member of Holding Corp One that this war declaration has an ulterior motive – one designed to cause trouble and hassle for the University population.”

Kelduum referred to the correspondence he had received from the one-man-war-declarer, which seemed to hint towards a general dissatisfaction with EVE University leadership, culminating in the odd decision to harass the student population itself.

“I have put a very specific process in place for approaching and contacting me about any members of staff who are acting in an inappropriate manner. This process has never been a secret and I am severely disappointed that this individual has sought such a disruptive method of trying to get his point across.”

It is of particular worth to note that the individual in question has opted to using a two week old alt to arrange the operation against the University. The lack of using their main character to voice their concerns detracts severely from their credibility, making any complaint or demand they make very difficult to address. The University maintains a policy of neutrality and any words of criticism from external sources is always received warmly and fully considered without prejudice.

EVE University Teacher and Events Manager, Qato Vollan, was particularly agitated. “The University had arranged a terrific event to for it’s 7th birthday to allow students to relax and partake in some light hearted fun. Sadly this quick succession of wars has hampered such plans greatly.”

And such is the sad truth. Often while people don the mask of anonymity and go forth to enact some form of vigilante justice, some kind of innocent bystander is left in the lurch. In enforcing their scheme to bring pressure onto the EVE University directorate, the members of the so called “gang of sixteen” have directly had a negative effect on the gameplay of almost 1500 young players new to EVE University, all to introduce a war that has little to no promised substance.

As it stands, EVE University remains staunch, their channels of communication still open to any diplomatic ties that Holding Corp One may want to make, should they realise the true ramifications that their war declaration is having. However, with the countdown to the war start up time fast ticking, it is becoming rapidly apparent that the University students will be subjected to yet another week of war.

However – EVE University does not forget. The ILN is ever vigilant and ever probing, their agents and eyes already investigating the dark corners of New Eden for signs to point them in the right direction. Like a pack of hounds they will chase those shreds right to the true source, and they will strike hard, and they will strike true. It has happened many times before and it will happen many times again.

The war may go on. But EVE University will prevail.

Do you have any information about this or another war? Do you have a similar story to share?
Please let us know anonymously here.

For the EVE University Public Thread concerning this war, go here.

What’s the Deal About Fanfest?

Fanfest VII is the in-person EVE Online player/CCP convention in Reykjavik, Iceland, held between March 23-26. Folks get to mingle, visit, party, and see the sights, and several thousand have attended and enjoyed past Fanfests. Events scheduled to happen at this year’s include presentations and round tables, the PvP Tournament, Dev Track 2011, fun competitions, and more.

What if you can’t make the trek to Iceland and see and feel Fanfest live? You’ve got options for joining in too. You can check out highlights of events & roundtables, live coverage of many of the fest’s major presentations, and see commentary and interviews from the folks who are there. Streaming is free at at the Fanfest Stream site, with a paid HD option that grants you a special in-game clothing item. Plus, the free program book can also be downloaded. Continue reading

New EVE University Director of Education Announced

EVE University today celebrates it’s 7th Birthday. It was around this time seven years ago that Morning Maniac established a humble teaching institute, with the aim of helping players learn and develop their EVE Online skills and knowledge. Today the University has grown – with multiple departments and facilities and over 1500 students, EVE University is the largest institution of it’s kind in New Eden, and still immensely popular.

With this joyous occasion on hand, EVE University is proud to announce today that after the retirement of the former Director of Education Dierdra Vaal, CEO Kelduum Revaan had approached Teacher Manager Neville Smit to take up the mantle, which he did so formally on March 13th. Neville Smit has seen a successful spell as Teacher Manager, handling much of the department’s duties and organization – an asset well appreciated by former Director Vaal.

Neville Smit - Director of Education

Neville Smit - Director of Education

Director Smit was gracious enough to speak to us briefly about his new appointment and give us a small insight into what he has planned for the Education Department – one of the cornerstones of the University.

Zeroniss: First of all Neville, a big congratulations. How are you feeling currently? Excited by the task at hand?

Neville Smit: Absolutely! The University has been very good to me, and I’m delighted to be able to give something back.  The opportunity to help new pilots gain their footing in EVE, and to go on to succeed in whichever career they choose, is something that gives me a lot of satisfaction.

Z: The new position carries a lot of responsibilities. Are you worried at all?

NS: I’d be silly to not be at least a little bit intimidated – with over 1500 members, E-UNI is one of the largest and most well known corporations in EVE Online.  I have a lot of experience in the University though – having been a teacher, a mentor, a recruiting officer, a professor, and a manager in my time here,  so I think I am as equipped to step up to the Director job as I can be.

Z: Any exciting changes you have planned immediately for the department? Continue reading

Vote for your Council of Stellar Management 6

The Council of Stellar Management 6 voting polls have opened – starting March 9, 2011. There are 57 candidates from various alliances, factions, corporations, and independents. Some are new to the game, others have played for years, and some previous CSM members (this year and others) are also on the list.

Our own Dierdra Vaal has developed a useful Vote Match web-tool, where you can answer a few questions in a poll about your game interests and preferences, then see the results of how your own preferences match with the stated goals/inclinations of the candidates. It is a starting place to help you research who you want to vote for. You can then find more information about the candidates at Jita Park Speakers Corner and Council Candidates Views.

During the open polls, EVE University will host impromptu CSM talks as candidates become available and show interest in sharing their experience and goals with E-UNI. EVE University does not back any specific candidate but you have a great chance to check out some of the front runners on our Mumble. Keep an eye on your EVEmail for Corporate announcements of impromptu chats.

You can vote HERE; all paying accounts older than 30 days at the time of their vote are entitled one vote. Voting for CSM6 ends on March 22, 2011 at 23:59 UTC.

A Close Personal Chat With Vonqueesha Shenaynay

Many who were online during this last Saturday had the distinct privilege of attending a guest class given by Vonqueesha Shenaynay and Akay Quinn. The premise of the class was both simple and complex – balancing a healthy amount of profanity with some very enlightening looks at the darker side of the EVE Universe.
Today we get a chance to speak to Vonqueesha Shenaynay, up close and personal, to find out a little bit more about him and the distinct role he plays in game.

Zeroniss: So how long have you been playing EVE? And what did you hope to accomplish when you were fresh and new?

Vonqueesha Shenaynay: I started around Christmas 2009. I immediately knew I wanted to be a spy – to destroy agroups will to play. Continue reading

A Black Eye for Duckeye

ALDRAT, METROPOLIS – There had been rumours afloat for the past week of a secret ILN operation afoot. Voices were kept low and for the most part, everyone was busy speculating as to what the operation could be. The veil was lifted this Friday however, and a strike force consisting of dozens of Ivy League Navy personnel departed from Adrat.

ILN Fleet Staging Grounds, Aldrat - Image Courtesy Honsou Blackblade

ILN Fleet Staging Grounds, Aldrat - Image Courtesy Honsou Blackblade

The ILN fleet was unique to what was commonly fielded by the ILN – in that the main focus had gone to operating battleships. A truly terrifying armada departed the staging grounds in Aldrat. The group later rendevouzed with members of Adhocracy Incorporated, a Corporation with very friendly terms with the University.

In a joint operation, EVE University and Adhocracy Incorporated infiltrated their way into wormhole space, to take out their intended targets – The Empire of Duckeye.

History With Duckeye

Duckeye had been a one-man corporation that had in the past declared war on the University. He had met minimal success, scoring a few kills but for the most part evading ILN forces.

Empire of Duckeye

Empire of Duckeye

The ILN does not forget grudges, however, and when intel came to light about a Duckeye POS in wormhole space, the opportunity was irresistible, and a plan spanning many weeks was put into place to orchestrate and execute a perfect operation.

And perfect it was – within the first hours of the infiltration, E-UNI and their ADHC allies had set up an operational POS of their own to stage the combat from. Reports began to come through that Duckeye was rapidly self destructing the ships he had stored in his POS, to prevent them coming into enemy hands. One such notable ship loss was a Legion class advanced cruiser – an extremely expensive ship that is highly sought after.

“It is unclear at this time how many assets were destroyed by Duckeye himself to prevent us from seizing them,” an ILN Continue reading