University Queues Threaten Aldrat

“Despite our best efforts to regulate traffic, unless we are given the authority to take extraordinary measures, Aldrat is at risk of becoming another Jita. Applicants to Eve University are currently stacked ten ships deep in holding patterns around Aldrat IX, and the situation is becoming worse every day. Accidental collisions between vessels are up 200% in the past month, cases of space rage have resulted in 52 deaths, and our analysts predict that by this time next year the queues will be backing up to Hek. (more)]]>

Forum upgrade

Forum should be up soon. I knew things were going to well… Got a problem, something is buggy with the calendar. Gonna check a few more things but I may just open the forum with the calendar not working properly. Calling things a night, new forum is up, sorta, you should all be able to use it. I’ll continue working on in when I’m awake again. Oh new link for forum aswell 🙂 Click to your right!]]>

Hostage Crisis Near Hardbako

Reports of a hostage situation began to trickle out of Battlegroup 1 earlier today as an unnamed E-UNI member was being held in a wormhole space against his will.The trapped pilot had jumped into the wormhole to practice scanning, but was prevented from leaving by a pair of drakes, a cheetah and a hound class vessels, who had set up a ‘bubble camp’ on the exit from w-space to Hardbako, and the would-be kidnappers used local to attempt to ransom 50M ISK from the Unista. That opportunistic decision turned out to be a costly mistake…

Eve Uni Agrees To End It

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE ALDRAT, METROPOLIS[/i] – July 21st – an announcement was posted informing students and staff that Eve University would be moving the location of the main headquarters from Korsiki, in The Forge Region, to Aldrat, which is located in Metropolis.Korsiki has long been the home of Eve University, one of the most feared anti-merc organizations in the entire Eve galaxy. For years, Eve Uni has helped to guarantee the safety of miners and mission-runners living in The Forge region by antagonizing merc corporations and drawing their fire away from defenseless training organizations such as Seppuku Warriors. “It has been proven time and time again, when mercs are forced to live in constant fear of our dreadnaught fleets, they stay in their stations and POS bubbles.” commented one of the Eve Uni fleet commanders.Eve Uni spies, who have wormed their way into various merc organizations in The Forge region, report that many of the merc pilots are nearly out of Mountain Dew and Hot Pockets. Depressed by the lack snack food, and pale from too much time spent indoors, a few of the merc pilots have been demanding that their leadership loosen wartime rules and give them permission to take one of the last remaining Jump Freighters to Jita to buy moar snacks. Sadly, and much to the dismay of the merc pilots, the leadership has informed them that until the war ends, all merc pilots are to abide by normal Wartime SOP rules which means they remain on lockdown until further notice.When informed of the internal turmoil that Eve University is causing among the large mercenary corporations in the area, Kelduum felt compelled to issue a statement saying, “Eve University would like to offer a sincere apology to the Merc community. It was never our intention to cause so much strife and heartache with our constant griefplay tactics”To view the full article, click the “Read more” link

First Strike

[i]IDLE EMPIRE[/i] – to some, it is a feared pirate organisation, terrorising the honest folk of low security space. To the students prepping their ships in the School of Applied Knowledge hangar, it is another obstacle between them and peace. Many are only beginning their careers as capsuleers, yet most know what to expect – another routine game of cat and mouse.Or so they think. A sharp eyed Uni pilot, on his maiden voyage in a covert ops blares through the communications channel – an enemy Jump Freighter is slowboating in Obanen.Uni Student McFighterCloud, leading in his Raven, hastily forms a strike force of 28 ships. The fleet is moving in less than five minutes. Uni veterans are wary – such a target is almost certainly bait.Yet no trap materialises, and the Uni fleet intecepts the ship in Kaaputenen, unleashing their firepower on the defenceless ship. As the ship nears destruction, a single word is broadcast across system.”Ransom?”The answer is not given in words.The cargo of the freighter would soon follow the same fate, as the small, mobile fleet was not prepared for the rich spoils – starbase components, skillbooks, and raw materials. valued by Uni killboards . In a few minutes, there was no proof the ship ever existed, and the triumphant unistas, returning back to SAK for a round of warbeer, were credited with the first documented Jump Freighter loss of IDLE, valued at around 5.6 billion ISK.~~ Loutsos~~CazzahEUNN Reporters