State of the Uni – June

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE — [/i]On June 1st, Director of Operations Kelduum Revaan delivered his long-time-coming State of the Uni address. In the long statement, Kelduum’s overall opinion of the University was “Solid”. In particular, he praised the efforts of all members of the University, ranging from Fleet Admiral Silentbrick all the way down to the newest freshman, for their willingness to put their ships and clones on the line in defense of the Uni.Overall, active membership in Eve University remains at approximately the 1000 mark, with dozens of other pilots making use of the EUni and Eve High channels, and inactive membership purged periodically.Other improvements in the uni itself were discussed. A new and improved TeamSpeak server was acquired, allowing for improved voice quality and better handling of large numbers. War SOP have been updated and a new state added, allowing for war decs that start but are not actively continued by the agressors. A new killboard was acquired, inaugerated, and baptised fairly quickly, with a fitting banner drawn up by a talented member.Finally, Dierda Vaal, a long-time University faculty and representative on the Council of Stellar Management was elected for the second time, this time gathering enough votes to be named Chairperson.To read the full article, click the “Read more” link below

Brawls Continue in the SAK Parking Lot

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE – [/i] – No sooner had the good students of Eve University laced their brand-new white trainers of peace than the unsightly scuffs of war descended and soiled them for all to see. Having become bloated and, frankly, uncomfortable chomping through the gelatin-heavy Gummi Bears with their bland yet chewy tactics, the men and women of Eve University were looking forward to some well deserved R&R, or at least what passes for it in New Eden. Rather, a series of wardecs ensued that proceeded to not so much raise the hackles of students and staff, but their eyebrows instead.Click the Read more link to view the full article

Eve Uni Nibbles at Gummi Bears

After a bruising tripartite war against the Seppuku Warriors, RAYPE, Inc., and Sharks With Frickin’ Laser Beams, most E-UNI pilots simply wondered who would be next to wardec the Uni, assuming that next war would come soon. Few were surprised to see a new declaration 3 days after the cessation of previous hostilities, but nobody anticipated the declarant.A new corporation, Adventures of the Gummi Bears (AOGB), was quick to bribe CONCORD to ignore the Yulai Convention. Based in the nullsec system 37S-KO, AOGB lists but 7 members on the corporate roster, fueling speculation inside the Uni as to both the severity of the threat and the reasons for the declaration. Many assumed the declaration was intended to “grief” the University, while others have asserted that some prime mover is funding the continual declarations of war fro behind the scenes. Hypotheses abound, but evidence is scarce.Click the “Read more” link to continue.

Ivy Chronicles – The Wobble Incident

The motives and secrecy behind the wardec contracts from old friends in Seppuku Warriors has been a subject of much speculation and controversy. Few know of the events that transpired during Dee Carson’s visit to one of New Eden’s best jelly bars, and fewer still understand it’s significance on the war that now rages between educational institutions.”The Wobble Incident” is the new Ivy Chronicle by intrepid E-Uni student Rodney Chips.Click the “Read more” link to view.

Uni Pilots Fight in Valiant POS Defence

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE –[/i] At 1732 hrs on the 4th of May, following one of the largest fleet engagements in recent University history, the player-owned station (POS) owned and operated by EVE University (E-UNI) was destroyed by a combined Seppuku Warriors (TANTO) and Vertigo Coalition (VC) fleet.Attacks on the E-UNI POS have been few and far between, despite the University’s long history of war. Early Tuesday the 27th, a combined TANTO/VC fleet comprising of an estimated 30 battleships opened fire on the POS and inflicted minor damage. TANTO directors indicated it was aimed at drawing out an E-UNI fleet.Almost a full week later that the worst fears of many pilots were made real. Early Sunday the 3rd, another combined TANTO/VC fleet jumped into Korsiki, with an est. 45 battleships plus support vessels (for an est. total of 60 ships) arranged in a “spider tank” formation. The combined fleet methodically disabled POS modules. An E-UNI fleet formed by Mynocc and lead by D6 Manager Wolf VanBerg managed to score just 4 kills, suffering massive losses before the order to withdraw was given. The enemy fleet went on to put the POS into reinforced mode.To view the rest of the article, click the “Read more” link[i]~~Darian ReymontEUNN Reporter[/i]

Interview – Uni Pilots Adapt with Hit and Run

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE –[/i] During the current war with Seppuku Warriors [TANTO]/Vertigo Coalition , Eve University was faced with superior odds on the battlefield. This sparked much debate over developing new tactics in an attempt to level the field. One of the more successful ideas was the venerable “Hit & Run” attack. No less than 5 separate “H&R” fleet ops have been launched in the past week. The pilot responsible for reviving this concept is Vasim Vio. While results have been mixed, Vasim has proved that the Uni is capable of organising small gangs fitting specific fits without blobbing, something that has traditionally been difficult for the University because of it’s large, independent student body. Recently this brave but humble capsuleer took a break from wartime duties to answer some questions about his experience with this tactic.Click the “Read more” link to view the interview[i]~~Eloc NorEUNN Reporter[/i]

Eve Uni Fights Former Friends as Wars Ramp Up

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE –[/i] On the 26th of April, Eve University’s many students opened their mail to find not one, but three declarations of war from three corps – Seppuku Warriors, Vertigo Coalition, and Raype Inc. The war has entered its second week and all wars have been renewed, plus an additional wardec from Sharks With Frickin’ Laser Beams (Frick).Many readers will recall that Seppuku Warriors was featured prominently on both the in game and EUNN news page as a training corporation for PvP founded by Eve University veterans.The war declaration from Seppuku, Vertigo and presumably FRICK was a result of a paid contract offered by an unknown third party unhappy with alleged elitism and actions by Eve Uni leadership. While the details of the contract are unknown, the isk being paid is expected to fund the Seppuku budget for several months, though given that Seppuku has no formal ship replacement policy, it is not yet known what the isk will be spent on.According to Seppuku CEO Sabre A, offered contracts had been previously turned down, but increasing tensions with Eve University over issues led the leadership to reconsider their refusal. The contract was brought to the five Seppuku directors (Dee Carson, Sabre A, Acacia Incana, M0rd0 and Captain Nuf) and voted on, with a unanimous vote in favour of war.The war from Seppuku has been extremely controversial among Uni members and sparked much debate