Eve Uni Fights Former Friends as Wars Ramp Up

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE –[/i] On the 26th of April, Eve University’s many students opened their mail to find not one, but three declarations of war from three corps – Seppuku Warriors, Vertigo Coalition, and Raype Inc. The war has entered its second week and all wars have been renewed, plus an additional wardec from Sharks With Frickin’ Laser Beams (Frick).Many readers will recall that Seppuku Warriors was featured prominently on both the in game and EUNN news page as a training corporation for PvP founded by Eve University veterans.The war declaration from Seppuku, Vertigo and presumably FRICK was a result of a paid contract offered by an unknown third party unhappy with alleged elitism and actions by Eve Uni leadership. While the details of the contract are unknown, the isk being paid is expected to fund the Seppuku budget for several months, though given that Seppuku has no formal ship replacement policy, it is not yet known what the isk will be spent on.According to Seppuku CEO Sabre A, offered contracts had been previously turned down, but increasing tensions with Eve University over issues led the leadership to reconsider their refusal. The contract was brought to the five Seppuku directors (Dee Carson, Sabre A, Acacia Incana, M0rd0 and Captain Nuf) and voted on, with a unanimous vote in favour of war.The war from Seppuku has been extremely controversial among Uni members and sparked much debate

The End of Eve University – Disbanding May 1st

Edit: April fools everyone, we certainly aren’t disbanding, and in fact due to some recent changes, wars are even less of a problem for us!For Immediate Release, April 1st, 2009 – Official Eve University Press StatementMany of you know Eve University as the new player training corporation which was founded just over five years ago. We have spent that time teaching new players in all aspects of Eve, and helping them on their way in New Eden to become successful pilots, providing skillbooks, ships, modules and various other resources. That, however, is about to change.Unfortunately it is my duty to inform you that after detailed and lengthy discussions with the senior leadership, Eve University will be closing in one month’s time on May 1st, 2009.Recruitment and operations will continue until May 1st, but at this time, what little corporation assets we have remaining will be distributed to the members who have been with us for over one month, the security on our forums will be removed, and all accounts will be disabled. In this, we hope to leave at least a small legacy for the capsuleer community. The corporation and alliance will then be disbanded.There are unfortunately a number of reasons why this has come to pass, but the largest single reason is the constant empire wars which have prevented us from teaching elements other than PvP.In less than two years we have seen over 34 wars declared by various groups against us, including a period of two full months from the Privateer Alliance last year, and again a further three weeks at time of writing, which has made teaching non-combat lessons effectively impossible.Some may suggest that we simply focus on teaching PvP, but it should be mentioned that the problem is not the wars themselves, but those who declare wars and then fail to prosecute them, running and hiding after the first few days, resulting in them sitting AFK in a station for the remaining duration of the war.War also unfortunately means we cannot safely accept new pilots, who lead to a massive recruitment backlog, and those same pilots not getting the support they need in their formative days, which in turn leads to them retiring before their time.Unfortunately with war-declaration costs so low, it means that anyone with a few million ISK can throw the proceeds from a couple of level 4 missions at Concord and have hundreds of targets for a week, which means that anyone with a grudge, either perceived or actual, has no incentive to seek a diplomatic resolution.Changes to the mechanics involved have been suggested for quite some time, and a fix was applied to reduce excessive usage of the war-dec system, but unfortunately it appears the changes have not been entirely successful, as the described mechanic originally described has not been implemented.So, after what seems to have been a concerted effort by a handful of people, and no way to continue our mission of educating new players effectively, we have no option but to close Eve University.If it were not for the support of the wider community, Eve University is something which would simply not have lasted as long as it has, and I would like to wish the best of luck to all the other new player training corporations out there – unfortunately our success in teaching has lead to us becoming a target for a small number of unsavoury characters who want to prevent new players from receiving support in the critical early days.We hope they enjoy the New Eden their actions have created.Signed:Kelduum Revaan, Director of Operationsp.p.Silentbrick, Fleet AdmiralMorning Maniac, CEOEve University [E-UNI]Copies to IVY News, IVY Forum, Alliance Mail, CAOD, ISD Interstellar Correspondents

War cuts 5th Anniversary Celebrations short but the Uni parties on

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE[/i] — On March 15th 2004 at 14:16, EVE University was founded by it’s still-CEO, Morning Maniac. A unique concept in the universe of EVE, the University was – and remains to this day – one of the few truly altruistic organisations in New Eden, supplying free education in all facets of EVE life to any and all who seek it. From humble beginnings as a place where experienced capsuleers could share their wisdom and experience with a handful of new pilots, the University has grown into a mammoth undertaking. Regularly scheduled lessons, supported by weeks of recorded lesson content and thousands of instructive forum posts alongside hundreds of millions of ISK spent every week provide students with the most comprehensive education that can be found anywhere in New Eden.When asked to comment on reaching such a huge milestone, current Director of Operations Kelduum Revaan had this to say:”What many current and ex-members are aware of is that EVE University is greater than the sum of its parts – it is not just a corporation, an alliance, a forum or even a group of people who share their knowledge, it isn’t anything so simple. Above all else Eve University is a concept, and you cannot wage war against such things. If somehow EVE University itself were to be disbanded tomorrow and all its assets disappeared, the concept would continue to exist, and I truly believe it will still exist until the last star in New Eden burns up the last of its fuel and goes dark.”Dir. Revaan went on to thank the community of New Eden, pointing out that, “without the donations, support, and backing from the community at large, Eve University would be unable to continue at the level it has been doing.”Whilst the concept of E-Uni is indeed safe from the ever-present threat of war, the organisation itself is sadly not. On the morning of the University’s anniversary old enemies the Privateer Alliance, declared war on the Unistas for the 7th time. At the Ivy Bar and Grill, the transition from drunken, happy students, to drunken, happy, students in a bloodlust was seamless, and several bystanders were trampled in the drunken rush for the hangars. Glenn Ark could be heard screaming over the crowd, “We didn’t even have time to put away the taps for the WARBEER! So drink up me mateys! Lets have a blast at SAK!”While the war has yet to go live, one loss occured as a drunken student attempted to “kill that bloody Privateer drone!”, which instead turned out to be the killbot guarding the office of Fleet Admiral SilentbrickWith said warbeers once again being served around the clock at Uni HQ it seems that nothing can dampen the spirits of this monumental event as the pilots of EVE University prepare for both war and party alike.– Darian Reymont,EUNN Reporter

Point Anomalies Present Opportunity, Danger

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE[/i] — The recent appearance of wormholes throughout the EVE cluster has brought new opportunity and new challenges to the Students and Faculty of Eve University. These point anomalies provide direct access to uncharted “w-space” that falls far outside the domain of any established empire, potentially opening vast, untapped resources to the UNI members able to exploit them.While the new space may be unclaimed, curious pilots are encouraged to use extreme caution in this exceptionally hostile environment. As demonstrated during a recent reconnaissance by Vice Admiral Ubercado of the Ivy League Navy, the local sleeper drones can be deadly even to well equipped veterans. Anyone attempting to explore and exploit a w-space pocket would be well advised to travel in a group and to carry battleship class weaponry.Perhaps the greatest danger of w-space has been presented by the other, less altruistic denizens of New Eden. Reports have already started to trickle in of factions establishing gate-camps and ambushing pilots who jump through the anomaly to see what is on the other side. The 0.0 security status of w-space means that anyone is a potential threat, and there have been several instances of misunderstanding that have lead to “blue on blue” engagements inside of the wormhole.At the time of writing, official University doctrine regarding student access to w-space has yet to be formally defined, but a de facto “enter at your own risk” policy is currently in effect, while students are further instructed to avoid exiting through wormholes that lead into 0.0 security space. In all cases the University continues to operate under a NRDSI protocol.Despite the claims for territory in w-space, the Directorate and University Diplomatic Corps expect that w-space will remain open to University students, with University Diplomatic Director Irdalth Delrar dismissed any potential territorial claims in w-space as “irrelevant” in light of the logistical challenges inherent in maintaining a presence inside a wormhole.In the end, only time will tell how w-space will affect the University’s politics, and the challenge of dealing with new, unsecured space capable of appearing at random in any high security system now falls squarely on the shoulders of the Directorate and the University Diplomatic corps.The politicking and territorial disputes that are sure to follow should provide interesting challenge in the months to come.Lord Alrich,EUNN Reporter

Unexplained Phenomena brings early end to war?

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE[/i] — In an abrupt end to a turbulent period for EVE University, war declarations issued by the mercenary groups Scalar Federation and War Of Wrath were retracted on the 9th of March, while the UN1CUM alliance decided not to extend their own declaration. It has been a time of conflict for the students and teachers of EVE University, fighting four campaigns within a month-long window.The situation began just under a week after the Exotic Dancers retracted their war declaration following less than a week of very little combat. The UN1CUM alliance declared war on the University on the 2nd of March with no reasons given. The opening salvo of four kills contrasted to the rest of the campaign in which UN1CUM war targets refused to subsequently engage.One day later after the UN1CUM wardec, the Scalar Federation declared war on the University. A quiet start was ended when Fleet Admiral Silentbrick led a huge fleet of over 160 ships deep into Scalar’s nullsec home systems, attacking ships and stations alike, resulting in five well-earned kills for three losses.The most interesting of the wars may have been with War of Wrath. While the Uni won a lopsided efficiency victory with a rating of 86.42% the war offered the most battles and both sides seemed to appreciate the honor, integrity and spirt of their adversary. Darth Schweinebacke, founder of War of Wrath had this to say in communication that was forwarded to the Uni. “I must say nice job so far there Ivy. Most 0.0 Alliances are not as disciplined as you guys are. Well done.”With reports coming in from across New Eden about the appearance of spacial anomalies causing massive disruption, many Uni pilots wondered just how all three wars came to an end at the same time, so close to the largest wormhole formations in recorded history. Was there more to it than met the eye? Did some prior knowledge of the events in New Eden prompt these retractions? Dierdra Vaal, University Director of Training had this to say;“One of the main reasons this happened was because we showed we’re a tough nut to crack! We had barely any unnecessary war losses this time. We were effective against our opponents, showing them that we WILL seek them out and fight them and that we WON’T set ourselves up as vulnerable targets.Looks like wormholes are not the only unexplained phenomena making an appearance in Korsiki these days. Recruitment is once again open as the EVE University steps boldly into New Eden’s New Age of Exploration, continuing its mission to educate its students in a safe and welcoming environment.– Darian Reymont, with additions from Stone Xue EUNN Reporters

Eve Uni Prepares for Influx of New Students

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE[/i] — With Eve Online’s latest expansion, Apocrypha, hitting shelves this March, students, teachers and directors alike at Eve University are ramping up their efforts to prepare for the influx of new pilots to hit the space lanes of New Eden. Assisting this push has been two months of peace and prosperity, putting the University in a prime position to deal with the rush. We asked Kazzym, the Recruiting Manager at Eve University about the upcoming player surge. [i]”Typically we’re dealing with 30 applications a day but with Apocrypha coming out, we’re expecting much more than that. For all those new pilots out there looking to join, come along and join the “Eve University” channel. However if nobody knows about us, and what we do to help new players, many of those pilots will quit in frustration, unable to find help. This is why we’ve been working on advertisements targeted at new pilots into Eve.”[/i] The advertisements, which have already hit EON magazine, are expected to hit Eve Online soon. Chief among the improvements have been a continuing revamp of the mentor system by Mentor Manager Aehara. Applications developed within the University allow students to request mentors catered to their specialisation and playtime, who will guide them, one on one in their first steps into New Eden. Automation and other improvements in request handling have allowed most requests to be processed in less than a day. For the more advanced, Wolf Vanberg has announced the opening of “Division 6”, Eve Uni’s advanced low sec training program, designed to aid older students in operating in low sec and wormhole space, whilst emphasising self reliance and small gang warfare. Response from the students has been strong and enthusiastic, and it is hoped that Division 6 will prove effective now and long into the future Perhaps most heart-warming however, has been the support of the New Eden community. Sinqlaison, of Capital Builders Inc. has graciously agreed to donate 1 billion ISK each week, much of it going to fund those who have achieved the position of “Student”, demonstrating that even in New Eden, a world of power struggles and corporate greed, a true spirit of community can be found within its pilots. Within the Uni, newly appointed Loans Officer Calamoures is restarting a loans program sponsored by an industrial corp, NAGA with the intention to provide students the cash flow needed to get a head start in Eve. Other help has come from unexpected places. When HPC Larry led his first fleet operation, composed of over 50 ships into the notoriously dangerous system of Rancer, and was involved in a battle with pirates, he was surprised to receive 100 million isk each from two members of the pirate corporation who will remain anonymous to protect their nefarious reputations. One explained that [i]”Our guys were very impressed with the training Eve Uni was giving, and all the Eve Uni guys comported themselves admirably. Would fight again.” [/i]Meanwhile the University’s 5th anniversary is rapidly approaching, and while details are under wraps, the leadership in Eve Uni surely has something special planned.–Cazzah,Managing Editor,Eve University[i]Eve University is a non profit, neutral corp devoted to teaching new pilots in Eve Online. If you are interested in joining, or just need help and advice, join our channel “Eve University” in game.[/i]