Eve University Alumni Form PvP Training Corporation

[i]STACMON, PLACID[/i] – Sabre A, former Vice Admiral of the Ivy League Navy and Director of Eve University announced today the formation of a PvP Training corporation, Seppuku Warriors, to be headquartered here at the Planet X, Moon 1 Federal Administration Offices station.“The recent escalation of armed conflicts across New Eden has resulted in a shortage of combat qualified, small group oriented pilots with more than just cursory experience, “ said Sabre. He went on to add, “The waves of new recruits anticipated in advance of significant spring offensives by several groups highlights the need for some of us to sacrifice personal victories for the greater good.” On a more informal note, ex-Uni Director Dee Carson noted that the main goal of the corporation would be to “Blow stuff up” and in the process, teach it’s students, leaving this reporter wondering if he’d got the two quotes attributed to the wrong people.Joined by former Eve University Directors m0rd0 and Dee Carson, Eve University alumni Captain Nuf and Pazkal (associate of former Eve University Director Acacia Incana), Sabre is now in the process of confirming the participation of a group of handpicked instructors. “I am not yet at liberty to disclose the identities of those selfless veterans who have chosen to participate in this endeavor, but I will say that I never in my wildest dreams (even those involving a harmonica and roast pig barbeques) did I ever imagine that some of these folks would agree to fly with one another and in this context. Just wait, you’ll see!”The notion of unrestricted PvP, under the tutelage of legendary ex-Uni leaders, particularly one who was immortalised in a Curzon Dax song, has sent many Eve University students into a frenzy of excitement, with responses ranging from “This is turning into the Eve version of the Dream Team” to “Oh, HELL YEAH!”The EUNN team will continue to follow and report on this event as more details are revealedDetails about Seppuku Wariors are available at the corp’s website: www.Seppuku-Warriors.netArticle by Dee Carson– Director of Seppuku WarriorsAdditions by Cazzah– EUNN

Uni Rampage Causes Gatecamp to Flee

In what has been a rare occurence, Fleet Admiral Silentbrick put out a call for an all hands rampage, simply announcing “You have 30 minutes to get ready for a cruiser/dessie/frig rampage ;)As is usual, the response was strong, with cries of ‘YARRRRR!!!’ echoing the pounding of footsteps as students raced to ensure they were fitted out. This reporter has heard that roughly a dozen students departed under the watchful eye of Silentbrick for a destination that was not announced, but is reputed to have been BWF-ZZ. Sources have revealed that upon jumping into the system, they encountered a gatecamp, and the results were surprising.The exact numbers of the camp are unknown, and for the strangest reason. Upon decloaking on the gate, the campers beat feet in a very, very hasty tactical retreat. However, undaunted the Uni’s vaunted tacklers managed to snag a lone Cerberus, who was decimated in short order. Afterwards, the local comms were aflutter with smack, although the intrepid Unistas refrained, preferring to let their actions (and others) speak for them.Aurea–EUNN

Post Lo Sec at Large

[i]KORSIKI, THE FORGE[/i] – With several weeks of closely packed wars coming to an end, Uni students are stepping it up to get their fix. Fix of what, you might ask? Surprisingly to some, the answer is PvP.One pod pilot, Meyr, has struck out with a few other students of EVE University in a quest to lay down the law to New Eden’s underbelly with directed small fleet operations in low sec. Recently he took a fleet to a series of undisclosed systems. At their final stop, the fleet engaged a lone carrier expecting an easy kill. However, this was not to be the case. This intrepid reporter was able to get a glimpse into the debriefing, and was able to retrieve the following comments:[i]”At the first sign of more than one carrier, RUN!!”[/i]Sage advice, coming from what we believe to be the Fleet Commander for the operation. We have additional information from reliable sources stating that following the fleet’s engaging this massive behemoth, several other carries and motherships arrived as reinforcement. Additional commentary ran along the lines of congratulations all around, along with a great deal of mentoring from the older pilots to their younger disciples. Look out, all you pirates of New Eden. If this group of individuals continues walking this path, your days may be numbered.- AureaEUNN

Eve Uni Farewells Director as War Comes to an End

Eve University is finishing its fifth week of war as it farewells Director of Operations Dee Carson from its ranks.Dee Carson joined Eve Uni late in late 2006, and became a Director in April 2007, spending his final six months in the Uni as Director of Operations. The Director of Operations is second in the leadership chain, and overseas the day to day operations of the corporation. Widely respected for his calm demeanour and level head, Dee retires with the support and best wishes of all the Uni. In recognition of his service and sacrifice in aid of new capsuleers throughout New Eden, Dee has been awarded the Director Emeritus medal.Replacing Dee Carson is Diplomat Kelduum Revaan. Well known for his constant efforts behind the scenes to keep the Uni victorious and at peace, and even better known for being Dark Lord of the Sith, Kelduum will be vacating the position of Diplomat to take up the new role

Eve University Mentor Program

EUNN, Cazzah — Mentor Relationship’s Form Close BondsWhen I began my first steps into Eve University, I applied for a mentor – a player matched to my playtime. A player matched to my playstyle. But above all, a player willing to help. With my mentor, Mildibus’s help, I was progressing far faster than I could ever have by myself. Now I also find myself mentoring younger students. I have never since looked back. For many in the Uni, this is not a unique experience.The universe of Eve is one with many questions. Some of these questions are too long to easily answer in crowded chat. Others are the sort that you wouldn’t even think to ask. Whatever the case, Eve University works to provide a mentor – an experienced player, matched to your needs, who can give the answers and help that only a one on one environment can. .Late September, the Uni instituted a new mentor manager, Aehara. Since then, it is heartening to see that the mentor program continues to work efficiently. All requests have been answered within a day and a 70% of requests being filled within the next day.I asked Aehara for his take on the program “As mentors, we help new students take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the University. Eve isn’t easy–individualized attention during those tough first few weeks can make all the difference in the world. For students with a few months experience under their belt, the mentor program is great way to start getting more involved and begin giving back to the University. I’ve gotten lots of positive feedback; the first students to complete the program on my watch are now some of the most active and enthusiastic members of the corporation. Soon they’ll have the experience and the confidence to become mentors themselves… I look forward to that day.”Despite the success, the Uni is always looking for new mentors, particularly for specialists in fields such as exploration and invention, and Uni members are encouraged to volunteer as a mentor to begin transforming our rookies to aces.For more than four years, Eve University has been providing new players quality training in all aspects of life in Eve without cost to them. For more information on Eve University, visit the in game website at www.eve-ivy.com-CazzahEUNN

Third Week of Classes Postponed

EU PRESS, KORSIKI, THE FORGE – Third Week of Classes Postponed{nl}On the 28th of November, Eve University received a war declaration from a three man corp "Svalbard Global Seed Vault" (SGSV), bringing the university into it’s third week of war.{nl}The latest war, coming just hours after the end of the previous two, has been a disappointment to the majority of the Uni students, who had hoped to enjoy some well earned peace. Once again recruitment has been closed for the duration of the war. Several lucky applicants made it in during the short window of peace, while others have been left hanging for another week before they can join the University.{nl}For the last two weeks, the Uni has been fighting Royal Hiigaran Navy (RHN), a mercenary group, and Castle Grayskull, a small corp led by ex Uni director Sabre A. Both wars saw successful efforts by Uni forces, achieving efficiency rates even higher than the usual. These successes were attributed to several losses of tech 2 ships by the enemy, notably a mission running fitted command ship flown by the RHN, much to the amusement of Uni students. Wartime activity by the RHN and Castle Grayskull was generally regarded as disappointing however, and many Uni members have expressed nostalgia for the war against Haiduken.{nl}In the stress of a war against former friends in Castle Greyskull, combined with other compounding factors, many seniors within the Uni have made the decision to stop postponing their entrance into the wider Eve Universe, and take their first steps into a larger world. Among them is Kody Apollo, whose farewell reflections may be found on the Eve University front page. The Uni wishes our former students the best of luck in their future endeavours, confident in the knowledge that the skills and dedication they brought to the Uni will serve them well in Eve.{nl}While practical classes have been postponed or reworked during the wartime activites, The learning in the Uni never stops. Between fleet preparations, many students are making use of the extra time within stations to take in some theory classes which continue to be offered or reviewing some of the many archived classes from the recent past.{nl}Despite the temporary close in recruiting, Eve University continues to offer free help, assistance and answers to general questions in the public chat channel ‘Eve University’.{nl} {nl}–Cazzah{nl} EUNN{nl}

In his own words: Kody Apollo – A message.

{nl}{nl}{nl}My Home Town {nl} {nl}So as I pack my bags to depart from Korsiki, I look back on the months that I spent with the University fondly. For me the departure is inevitable for when the wanderlust calls it’s time to tie your laces and set out. {nl}{nl}This has always been an issue for the older generations of Eve University. The university is the small hometown you were born into, you know almost all the people and almost everyone knows you, but beyond the mountains lies other lands. Where empires rise and fall and legends are made. {nl}{nl}After time in the University you learn to become more and more capable, they teach you everything you need to know to not only survive, but do well for yourself in the wider universe. When you reach a certain level of skills and knowledge you know you could climb that mountain and see the other side, but you don’t want to leave the friends you have made in the University, or you wish to stay to help the newer players get their bearings. {nl}{nl}So you stay while you watch others leave, sometimes they leave with an angry frown, sometimes with a small wave of goodbye. In your heart grows a desire to join them. Sometimes they leave completely, sometimes they leave a part of themselves behind but their heart is already gone and really all they left is but an empty shell. You look back at the red skies of Korsiki and wonder why it looks so dull. {nl}{nl}{nl}So many people are leaving, but it’s happened before and it’ll happen again. As each generation comes of age they’ll wish to leave, because the same boundaries put in place to help new players makes it a small place when you grow up. {nl}{nl}It always starts with a few that leave in anger, departing because they don’t want to be caged anymore by the small boundaries of this small town. Their departure is watched, and their presence missed. Others then look around and realise they’re tired of their humble beginnings and pack their bags too. {nl}{nl}Last time it happened I started packing but stopped. Then I walked to the edge and stared at the horizon, held there by indecision long after the last retreating backs had disappeared. This time I’ve crossed the boundary and while I’ve marked a path on the map I’m still not quite sure where I’ll end up. {nl}{nl}–Kody Apollo{nl}___________{nl}**Editors note: It’s not often we publish departure stories outside the forums or a single or first persons perspectives however Kody has been an asset to the University. He’s both admired by his peers and has made a great number of friends through his contributions. We all wish him well and clear skies on his journeys. On behalf of all the staff and students, we collectively salute you sir.{nl}07{nl}Respectfully,{nl} Melissa Dawn{nl}EUNN Editor