Uni Alumni Bring Faction Warfare to Tama

This special report is brought to you by EVE University alumnus and Gallente Militia member Mos Superum, and in no way reflects the political views of EVE University or the Ivy League alliance.Tama, The Citadel — Earlier today, a ragtag band of Eve University alumni looked over their classroom textbooks, threw out Eve Essential Blobbing, 4th Edition, re-read Vaal’s ECM Anthology, 2nd Edition, and sent 6 pilots into combat with 3:1 odds against the Caldari militia.At approximately 03:45, a Caldari militia force of approximately 20 ships, including two Armageddons, camped in the lone station in Tama, home to the Central Research Nexus corporation (C-R-N).C-R-N is a Gallente militia corporation founded by alumnus Ezekiel Sulastin. In recent weeks, C-R-N has become home to several alumni, including Master Akira, Sabre A, Ricchar Drogo, Ulasim, Aiee, Cyleus Taestar, and this reporter, Mos Superum.Faced with overwhelming odds, a 6-man C-R-N gang of cruiser and frigate-sized ships debated docking at the station and waiting out the Caldari militiamen. The debate lasted 30 seconds.Taking the lead in coordinating a counterattack, alumnus Ricchar Drogo instructed all battleship-rated pilots to dock, change ships and undock. C-R-N’s lone ECM boat, a Falcon piloted by alumnus Cyleus Taestar, was instructed to focus on the ‘geddons on the station. On Ricchar’s orders, C-R-N pilots undocked two Dominixes, an Abbadon, and a Brutix, adding to an Arazu (this reporter), Falcon, and lone Nemesis stealth bomber.Combat commenced, with focused fire on the support ships and ECM assigned to the Caldari Armageddons. In less than 15 minutes, 10 Caldari militia ships, including the battleships and a Rapier, were destroyed, and the remaining Caldari militia retreated to nearby Nourvukaiken and the safety of Caldari-controlled space.Over the course of the next hour, C-R-N engaged and destroyed 4 more Caldari militia ships. A hapless, criminally flagged Vagabond also fell prey to C-R-N forces as alumnus Ulasim webbed and tackled the larger ship in a Taranis. The sole C-R-N loss was the Brutix class battlecruiser, piloted by Quintano.C-R-N expects continued aggression from Caldari forces, and predicts a significant increase pirate activity in the Tama system.– Mos Superum, EUNN Embedded Reporter

Foundations of the University

Many years ago, Morning Maniac, the CEO of Eve University started his corporation as a place to help teach new players about Eve. It has grown significantly over the years to what it became today. Its foundations are firmly entrenched in the idea of teaching new players. The road was not always so smooth with Eve University being involved in forays into 0.0 and various wars. There is much grandeur in New Eden, and with a corporation the size and strength of Eve University it is easy to forget where its foundations are and chase after that grandeur. In late 2005, Eve University helped found the alliance Big Blue, which lasted almost a year before disbanding. While it started out well the rigors of defending 0.0 space proved detrimental for Eve University. The teachers spent a great deal of their time fighting without having time to spend with the students, while the new players often were not ready for the rigors of constant warfare. What was learnt was that it is very easy for a corporation to lose its original purpose, getting distracted to pursue other goals that aren’t aligned with the very foundations it rests on. To this day Eve University does its best to hold to its neutrality and stay focused on the task of teaching. This is difficult for the members because there are many restrictions involved in staying neutral. It also means that ambitious projects cannot be undertaken without the danger of shifting Eve University away from its foundations. For this reason Eve University for many has been simply a way stop for people on their path to the wider galaxy. Although there are many others that still call it home. — Anonymous, EUNN

Special Syndicated News Article from CaldariNet

KORSIKI, THE FORGE — The newly formed news station, EUNN, has officially opened its doors today. The EUNN, or the ‘Eve University News Network’ is the official news agency of the popular school from which it gets its name. Their mission is simple: What happens in the Uni, they report, and they vow to keep all of their stories truthful and unbiased, a claim many news agencies make, but few succeed (we here at CaldariNet are in the latter category, of course).The opening ceremony was a site to behold. The 10 founding newscasters, to be listed at the end of this article, flanked Kelduum Revaan as he cut the crimson ribbon in front of the door – with a gilded las-cutter no less – and as the ribbon was cut, thunderous applause from the assembled crowd rang out. Following the ceremony, a banquet was held for anyone who cared to attend. Students mingled with teachers and outsiders, while the big brass of the University served food.EUNN’s newscenter is a state-of-the-art masterpiece, with the finest in broadcasting technology available. The talented crew is made up of tech-savvy members of Eve University. “Without them,” says Lord Wulfengheist, a reporter, “We’d be sunk.”The Reporters have been named as (in alphabetical order) Asuri Kinnes, Aurea Sibylla, Cazzah, Kody Apollo, Lord Wulfengheist, Melissa Dawn, Mos Superum, Peter Strasser, Theon Aidelius and last but not least, Turhan Bey.We have also been informed that members of the University also can submit stories to the EUNN reporters via the IVY GalNet communication forums, and look forward to hearing stores from our new competitor soon.– Syndicated From CaldariNet

OMAHD Conflict Ends After Failing to Deliver

The end of the recent war with One Man & His Drake [OMAHD] saw the usual frenzied activity from the Eve University student body. However, unlike most wars which end in revelry and borderline (and not so borderline) debauchery, this one was more like an Old West land rush. Students were scarce in the Pink Hat Bar & Grill while the docking bays saw unprecedented activity. The mad dash into space began exactly as the Declaration Timer expired, resulting in a pile-up at the School of Applied Knowledge undock point resembling Jita 4-4 during a fire sale. We went to investigate this anomaly and were shocked by what we found.“Everybody just wants to get out and get back to business” said Dee Carson, Eve University Director. His comments came as he was organizing a mining operation to coincide with the end of the war. Students were equally focused. We saw tens of industrials with flight plans filed for trade hubs leave the station as fast as the ports could eject them. Combat ships fitted for battle with various pirate factions streamed past in a seemingly unending procession. One freshman who refused to allow his name to be used for fear of retaliation by his corpmates had this to say: “Normally we just want to let off steam, ya know?” “But this war’s been so boring that I’m actually sick of warbeer.” “You’re not gonna print that are you?”Faculty and students alike all seemed to agree that this war did not deliver.We dug deeper to try to find the reason behind this dissatisfaction and were rewarded with an interview with the normally tight-lipped Uni-Intel branch. “The war target spent all but one hour and forty-two minutes of the war off-line.” “He didn’t just stay docked… he off-lined his clone.” “On the final day of the war his clone was active for exactly ninety seconds.” We attempted to get more details from the operative, but further questions about operations received a curt answer. “Check the killboard.” — Peter Strasser, EUNN

E-UNI Rampage Ends in Doomsday Demonstration

HED-GP, CATCH — On Sunday the 26th of August, an Eve University fleet led by Silentbrick engaged Against ALL Authorities (AAA) in 0.0 space, before falling to a Titan’s doomsday device.The battle occurred as part of a University “Rampage”, in which a fleet ranging from green rookies to hardened veterans assemble fleet to wreak havoc and strike fear into the hearts of nullsec pilots everywhere.Beginning in Korsiki, the fleet traveled 27 jumps to the HED-GP star system in Catch, where a Mobile Warp Disruptor (known as a “bubble”) was deployed. The University then dug in and waited while a fleet belonging to AAA assembled to attack. During it’s gatecamp, the Uni fleet destroyed several rookie ship scouts, a recon and interdictor vessels.The situation quickly shifted when a Titan class Ragnarok warped into the area and unleashed it’s doomsday weapon, the Gjallarhorn, and majority of the University forces were destroyed in the blast, along with number of hostile vessels. As the remaining Uni ships retreated, the rest of the AAA fleet warped into the area to finish off the survivors, however four University battleships managed to escape back through the gate, among them Aphrodite Whiterose’s Apocalypse, a scarred veteran that has survived many wars.The reaction was mixed within the uni. Some, especially the veterans were disappointed by the abrupt and “unsporting” end to the battle. Others were just excited to have seen a Titan and doomsday in action, especially the newer players. Even older players were awed by such a rare sight, such as Peter Strasser, “‘T’was most epic! Have never had a doomsday used on me before…”, while others simply described it as very “laggy”.Despite the unfortunate loss of some expensive implants by one student, the trip was declared a success by IVY Diplomat Kelduum Revaan who stated “We gave many students their first taste of 0.0 warfare, while AAA assisted us in demonstrating the potential lethality of the Titan class vessels.”– Cazzah, EUNN

OMAHD Disappoints E-UNI Students

The third day of the OMAHD conflict saw a peculiar development with an odd one sided ‘encounter’. The war target decided to show himself just as a scheduled E-UNI class was under way in Korsiki, yet no reports of obvious attempts at engaging the class has been received. In the words of a student:”It was kind of odd. He has declared war on a teaching institution and still it seems the idea of a class was lost on him. Most of the time we were completely stationary at one of the standard jump coordinates in Korsiki, but he didn’t want to come anywhere near us. Either that or he just couldn’t find us…”Words of disappointment about missing out on an opportunity to meet the WT has been heard from students and teachers alike, and a suggestion to provide the WT with a copy of the E-UNI class schedule has supposedly been firmly quenched. One unnamed faculty member explains:”That would be cruel.”– Theon Aidelius, EUNN

A Daring Escape from R-Section

CALDARI STATE ASYLUM, JUUNIGAISHI – EVE University’s most prolific combat pilot, Sabre A, is reported to have escaped from the Caldari State Asylum in Juunigaishi late last month.For weeks, Caldari authorities have denied the reports. Multiple anonymous sources within the asylum administration, however, have confirmed that the ex-University vice admiral did, in fact, manage to escape his holding cell in R-section as recently as three weeks ago.Details about R-Section are few and far between, and patient lists are strictly classified by Caldari authorities. Rumors hint that R-section is reserved for New Eden’s most violent and mentally unstable pilots and criminals.According to sources, Sabre had spent the better part of a week in R-Section solitary confinement after a murderous mid-July attack upon EVE University students in what some referred to as Sabre reaching “his breaking point.”Dee Carson, EVE University Director of Operations — “I am not commenting on that. I will only say that we appreciated Sabre’s service to the University, and it was an unfortunate incident that landed him in the asylum.”While the details of Sabre’s attack on students are sketchy and remain tightly classified, asylum insiders note that his escape was perhaps the most daring of his latest exploits.The escape reportedly began with the murder of three asylum guards with a makeshift shiv or knife constructed from single-ply institutional toilet paper rolls. After breaking into the asylum hangar control room and killing two more asylum security guards, Sabre vented the entire hangar, killing as many as 10 starship technicians and asylum transport pilots. He reportedly sang a rendition of “Amish Paradise” over the public address system as debris and victims swirled about during the hangar decompression cycle.A Caldari Navy source, who wished to remain nameless, revealed logs from a scout ship on patrol in Juunigaishi at the time of the escape. The scout’s scanner logs indicate a Cerberus heavy assault cruiser entering the asylum hangar shortly after it was vented and resealed. Squawk box scans of the Cerberus appear to have returned a hacked NAGA corporation ship ID code.Sabre is known to have had “trading” ties with NAGA director, Kodell. Officials with the elite manufacturing corporation have denied any involvement in the escape and would not comment further for this story.Central Caldari records of corporation activity indicate that Sabre’s clone DNA was loaded into Central Research Nexus’ (C-R-N) clone database as recently as two weeks ago. C-R-N is a Gallente militia corporation currently engaged in hostile activities with Caldari forces in and around Tama.C-R-N representatives were en route to an undisclosed location in Black Rise and unavailable for comment at press time.Sabre’s current location and intentions toward Caldari authorities and Eve University students and faculty are unknown.– Mos Superum, EUNN