A Daring Escape from R-Section

CALDARI STATE ASYLUM, JUUNIGAISHI – EVE University’s most prolific combat pilot, Sabre A, is reported to have escaped from the Caldari State Asylum in Juunigaishi late last month.For weeks, Caldari authorities have denied the reports. Multiple anonymous sources within the asylum administration, however, have confirmed that the ex-University vice admiral did, in fact, manage to escape his holding cell in R-section as recently as three weeks ago.Details about R-Section are few and far between, and patient lists are strictly classified by Caldari authorities. Rumors hint that R-section is reserved for New Eden’s most violent and mentally unstable pilots and criminals.According to sources, Sabre had spent the better part of a week in R-Section solitary confinement after a murderous mid-July attack upon EVE University students in what some referred to as Sabre reaching “his breaking point.”Dee Carson, EVE University Director of Operations — “I am not commenting on that. I will only say that we appreciated Sabre’s service to the University, and it was an unfortunate incident that landed him in the asylum.”While the details of Sabre’s attack on students are sketchy and remain tightly classified, asylum insiders note that his escape was perhaps the most daring of his latest exploits.The escape reportedly began with the murder of three asylum guards with a makeshift shiv or knife constructed from single-ply institutional toilet paper rolls. After breaking into the asylum hangar control room and killing two more asylum security guards, Sabre vented the entire hangar, killing as many as 10 starship technicians and asylum transport pilots. He reportedly sang a rendition of “Amish Paradise” over the public address system as debris and victims swirled about during the hangar decompression cycle.A Caldari Navy source, who wished to remain nameless, revealed logs from a scout ship on patrol in Juunigaishi at the time of the escape. The scout’s scanner logs indicate a Cerberus heavy assault cruiser entering the asylum hangar shortly after it was vented and resealed. Squawk box scans of the Cerberus appear to have returned a hacked NAGA corporation ship ID code.Sabre is known to have had “trading” ties with NAGA director, Kodell. Officials with the elite manufacturing corporation have denied any involvement in the escape and would not comment further for this story.Central Caldari records of corporation activity indicate that Sabre’s clone DNA was loaded into Central Research Nexus’ (C-R-N) clone database as recently as two weeks ago. C-R-N is a Gallente militia corporation currently engaged in hostile activities with Caldari forces in and around Tama.C-R-N representatives were en route to an undisclosed location in Black Rise and unavailable for comment at press time.Sabre’s current location and intentions toward Caldari authorities and Eve University students and faculty are unknown.– Mos Superum, EUNN

OMAHD Conflict Sees Low Activity

Following the enemy’s loss of one Drake, the second day of the OMAHD conflict saw predictably low activity on the front-line. The single obvious war event of the day came about as the E-UNI Intelligence Department located the WT in the vicinity of Jita. After a brief round of hide-and-seek, the WT found himself in Muvolailen, accompanied by a small fleet of E-UNI war forces.At this point a friendly duel on words ensued in local, as the WT and E-UNI’s head of diplomacy, Mr. Kelduum Revaan, slugged it out on wits and math. The arguments of his numerical superiority put forth by the WT were not entirely clear to EUNN’s man on the ground, and no obvious progress was made toward resolving the dispute between OMAHD and E-UNI.Nor did the WT seem willing to accept the invitation by Mr. Revaan to exit the system through any stargate of the WT’s choosing, and an open invitation to enroll with the University with the purpose of taking classes in ship fitting was also politely declined. Eventually the encounter ended as the WT decided to leave his ship floating in mid-space.– Theon Aidelius, EUNN

Eve University Returns to War

Following a period of peace, Eve University [E-UNI] once again finds itself under siege. Reactions have been typical, and cries of ‘YARRRRR’ and ‘WARBEEER’ have echoed through the halls of this hallowed establishment at the School of Applied Knowledge.However, the cries have been cut short. The reason? The declaration of war comes from a one man corporation, One Man and his Drake [OMAHD], which resulted in some amusement by the students.As the war went live, we received reports that the Uni’s famous, or perhaps infamous intelligence department had given chase through nearly 40 systems ranging from Josameto to Embrolgolan.First blood was been drawn by Trexdirex, flying a Hurricane along with one of the University’s famed fleets which have been described by previous hostiles as “blotting out the overview” and “like being nibbled to death by a horde of rabid cats, all riled up on meth”.More to come, as this conflict continues.– Aurea SIbylla, EUNN

Burning Sun Fades on the Horizon – The Loss of a General

The HMS Horizon was taken out for her final flight today to meet up with the HMS Burning Sun in honour of the loss of General Stargazer, a long standing member of Eve University for the past 4 years. It is with great sadness to report that the General has been inflicted with an illness that has been reported as life threatening, and although a cure is possible, the chances for survival are low. This very untimely and unfortunate loss coincides with a number of other high profile losses within the corporation and has deeply affected all of those involved.The Generals benevolence and kindness is known throughout the University. In one last act of tearful kindness has seen the donation of a number of Carriers to it’s cause; to give selflessly without expectation or compensation. General Stargazer embodies both the spirit and inspiration for which the University was founded and still thrives on to this very day. It is men like these who’s personal struggle for their own life do not even take them away from their own dedication to serving others. It is men like this who make us strong, proud and free to survive in the harsh realities of New Eden. Men like this are rare, often true and seldom glorified in their humbleness. It is men like these who we all look up to with pride and honour. It is men like these, who all other men wish to become. It is men like these who brings great sadness and tears for their loss.It is with these values and many more, that his brother, Super General, saw out the final flight of General Stargazer with Eve University. With an escort fleet comprised of current and ex-E-UNI members, the group travelled to Maila in The Forge, where the General Stargazer swapped to the HMS Burning Sun.The fleet then witnessed the final jump activation of the dreadnaught, as it left for destinations unknown, beyond the edge of charted space.In memorial,– M. Dawn, EUNN

In-accessable forum

Hello everyone!First my appolies for the forum not working. I’m currently looking into this to try and figure out whats wrong, and I hope to have the forum working again soon!And suddenly it seems to be working again.. 🙂

Upcoming ILN Event Leads to Fatailities

KORSIKI, THE FORGE – Trouble once more racked the School of Applied Knowledge, as four clones were activated in relation to an upcoming ILN-sponsored event. The goal of the pod pilots was apparently to peek into two boxes, labelled “Red Team” and “Blue Team” before their official unveiling. Fleet Admiral Silentbrick has apparently deployed a number of warbots and combots, with some stationed in ventilation shafts and access ducts.Two of the clone activations apparently came from attempts to get through the vent system, where they met a combat armed with a flechette gun. The other two are reported to have tried to run past a Warbot guarding the hallway and were hit by hyper velocity railgun fire.When we asked the Fleet Admiral about the incidents, he just said, “Talk to my Secretary.” However, since his secretary is a Mk. 14 Caldari Marine Corps Warbot, which targets and threatens to fire on anyone getting near it, we decided that was a “No comment”.We did however receive a letter from Silentbrick later that stated “All rumours of me cackling evilly at any mention of the event are patently false. Any one who doubts that can make an appointment with my secretary and receive my full opinion on the matter.” The letter was signed, Evil Overlord, but it was crossed out and replaced with “Silentbrick, Fleet Admiral, Ivy League.”– Unidentified Embedded Reporter, EUNN

E-UNI Pilots: Bane of all Pirates

KAKAKELA, LONETREK – Following the end of the war with NyX Incoming [N1X], pilots of EVE University [E-UNI] decided to continue the fight, but against a different enemy.Pirates of the various factions, from the Angel Cartel, Blood Raiders, Serpentis and the like, have long been trying to reclaim High Security Space for themselves. A fleet lead by an Ace pilot, known to the University solely as ‘Gunny 1833’, and his friend, Tappo Kone lead a fleet of new pilots in a valiant struggle against the never ending tide of “rats.”All manner of ships, from Frigates to Battleships joined the fleet. Tappo and Gunny lead the charge in two massive battleships. Soaking up damage like a sponge, the two pilots allowed the rest of the fleet to destroy ships at very little risk to themselves. To further decrease the risk, Gunny guaranteed that anyone who lost a ship cruiser-class or smaller would have replaced. Fortunately, this was not necessary.Souljo, a new pilot who had never seen so many rats, enjoyed the operation immensely. “Gunny and Tappo charged into the missions like crazy [maniacs] with about 50 targets shooting at them,” she said, describing the operation in an interview.. “they had us light weights coming in to handle anything cruiser size and smaller.” The “little guys” were under instruction to warp out if they got locked, so that there was little chance they could be hit, thereby eliminating most of the risk. Because of these precautions, and how well everyone got along, Souljo described it as “one of the most enjoyable things about E-UNI.”Pleased as well with the fleet’s success was the Caldari Navy, who rewarded their efforts with bounty prizes and points to spend at their Loyalty Points store, as well as access to some of their more elite agents for many of the pilots.– Lord Wulfengheist, EUNN