Wizards Successful in EW-Games

On Sunday, the 3rd of August, The Wizards of Oz once again won this week’s EW (Electronic Warfare) Games against their longtime foe, the Leopards.The EW games, run, organized and refereed by Kody Apollo, Events Manager, are held each week in Korsiki with 15 mill ISK in prize money, however this week’s games were held in an undisclosed spot in Nuken for security reasons. Each team attemped to use tractor beams and EW to pull a cargo can (the “ball”) towards their own goal whilst preventing the opposing team from doing the same.With 3 Blackbirds a side, both teams made heavy use of ECCM, with steave435 achieving a whopping sensor strength of 98 as he raced away with the can, bringing victory to the Wizards, however an incident involving stasis webs turned the normally fast paced matches into a grinding stalemate at one point during the match.Even despite this, everyone enjoyed the games, especially Hai’ku who is marking his second victory with the Wizards by purchasing his first cruiser with the prize money, and noted that “that’s more money than I make in a day running level one missions.”After the match, the teams entertained themselves by chasing CSM Member and Director, Dierdra Vaal, around in his Falcon in a fruitless game of hide and seek. Amusingly, both teams made such great use of ECCM that even Deirdra’s recon vessel was often unable to get a successful jam cycle.Starting next week, the EW Games will begin at the new time of 0700. Both the Wizards and the Leopards hope the change will bring more players and variety to the competition, and are positive about future matches.– Cazzah, EUNN

The Unsung Heroes

In every war that Eve University [E-UNI] has had, it has fielded large fleets against its enemies, and this is what gets noticed. However, the the University’s intelligence department plays a major part in making E-UNI effective during wartime. These are the silent bodyguards of the fleet that work tirelessly without complaint, and E-UNI has one of the best intelligence departments of any empire corporation.As the war winds down, the pilots in the intelligence department will be quietly thanked for saving the University from significant losses, while covertly locating the enemy so that the full force of the fleet could be brought to bear.Eve University teaches many things to the students. For warfare the University isn’t just teaching students to just fight with numbers, the University fights tactically too, and that’s why great emphasis has been placed on making the intel the fleets receive the best available.– Kody Apollo, EUNN

Exploration Sites Provide Relief to Wartime Doldrums

THE FORGE – Eve University students banded together over the weekend to exploit several exploration sites scanned down by an Eve University (E-UNI) pilot.On Saturday, August 2nd, E-UNI Events Manager Kody Apollo led a sizeable PvP equipped fleet to a Radar site that had been located in the Geras star system earlier that day. The fleet was comprised of members of all skill levels, and also served as an excellent opportunity for some of the newer members to experience fleet operations during war conditions. The proceeds from the site were donated to the University at an estimated worth of 30 million ISK.Later, on Sunday August 3rd, Gravimetric sites were scanned down in both the Nuken and Osmon systems. Storiim Tsovoran, Director of Intelligence, took the lead in organizing a well-guarded and scouted mining operation to fully mine the asteroid belts. Profits from the operation have yet to be calculated, but are due to be split between participants including miners, scouts, and guards. Although there was no nearby War Target activity during any of the exploration operations, one unfortunate would-be pirate was engaged by the defence fleet and his vessel was destroyed when he ‘flipped’ a jetcan.All three operations serve as examples of what can be done within the Ivy League war policies when the different branches of the University work closely.– Xavier DeepPockets, EUNN

E-UNI Celebrations Cause Property Damage

KORSIKI, THE FORGE – Following the official cease fire notification for the conflict between Ivy League and NyX Incoming [N1X] forces, a huge celebration rocked the School of Applied Knowledge. The ‘Ivy Bar and Grill’ was packed with IVY Naval Personnel celebrating their victory, and free ‘warbeer’ and meals were provided to those who had served.However, all was not entirely merry as a heated argument regarding the exact direction of hostile ships after they had escaped IVY fleets erupted into a minor brawl. No serious injuries were reported, though one table and some tableware was damaged. The reasons for the brawl were attributed to a combination of excessive warbeer and high spirits, and no arrests were made.Elsewhere the in the station, hangar crews were seen working extra hard in an effort to get ships ready for the end of the cool down period, as ships ranging from massive freighters to tiny exploration frigates were being prepared. During one rush of ships exiting the station, a frigate owned by an Amarr noble was apparently moved onboard AI to avoid an imminent collision, which resulted in an impact with the station. The owner was last seen in a headed discussion with his insurance agent, the outcome of which is not known at this time.– Lord Wulfengheist, EUNN

A Possible End To Hostilities?

KORSIKI, THE FORGE – A number of prospective new students have been frequenting the School of Applied Knowledge station over the last few days, waiting in anticipation of a possible cease fire between Eve University (E-UNI) and the NyX Incoming corporation (N1X). Hostilities between E-UNI and N1X began at 16:31 hrs on 30-July-2008 and the anticipated one-week mark will arrive at the same time of day on 6-August-2008.After some early maneuvering and a pair of heated battles, the E-UNI/N1X War has been relatively quiet during the second half of the week. Many believe that the lowered level of activity may mean the end of fighting after only seven days, but members remain cautious.”They may renew just to annoy us,” reasoned Kody Apollo, E-UNI Student and Events Manager.Eve University recently enlisted a number of new Recruitment Officers (R.O.’s) following a forum call from Recruiting Manager Aphrodite Whiterose. This bolstering of ranks was performed in part to prepare for the anticipated deluge of new recruits. Particular focus was given for new R.O.’s whom are able to cover time zones where current staff were not often present.New sign-ups eagerly await the official word within the E-UNI Public Channel. The channel’s Message of the Day (MOTD) will indicate to the public, and to aspiring applicants, the current status of the war. Hopes remain high that a cease fire is soon in coming.– Turhan Bey, EUNN

Two months of peace, and then…

After the Privateers dropped the war, we had very nearly 2 full months of peace, which was somewhat unheard of before Faction Warfare.It was good to get back to being the peacetime E-UNI, which as many of you know is significantly different to the wartime E-UNI – lessons were run often, events held, new members joined and old members left for new horizons, and the Uni went back to how it was long ago, before the last year of near-solid war.Then, unfortunately we had the wardec from NyX Incoming, who appear not to have done as much research as they should, however they are certainly due significant respect for the combat and entertainment they brought to us in Korsiki.All in all its been pretty uneventful, barring a few relatively short battles, but this now brings us up to speed with the news, so I can now start posting some of the ‘Embedded Reporter’ stories.


The Privateers situation was quite a shame, really. Before the incident, we had quite a bit of respect for them – the amount of work required to band together and maintain so many disparate corps and pilots was clearly sizable, and its disappointing that it had to end with them temporarily dissolving.It seems that Faction Warfare resulted in the greatest blow to them in the end – when corps can get PvP at any time for free, and effectively always have a force to fight when they want, the maintenance fees to pay for the wars seem rather steep.However, as mentioned the Privateers have re-joined their alliance, and here’s hoping that they can once again rebuild their forces to the level they were previously – they were quite effective and fun to fight once, and I hope they will be again in the future, as long as they don’t overdo it again!