Peace, for a time…

After the war dropped, for three weeks, we had peace.Operations returned to normal, and we started up our Faction Warfare program.However, once the DecShield was dropped, the Privateer Alliance acted true to form, and re-declared war on IVY.The conflict was relatively short, with Faction Warfare and apparent internal tensions taking a toll on the Privateers, resulting in them solidly losing member corporations, until there were only a few left, which unfortunately hit their effectiveness rather hard.Finally, the war was not renewed, and the Privateers left their alliance temporarily, moving to FW for a time and rebuilding their resources.


When it became clear that the war was not going to end any time soon through the application of military force, then it was time to think out of the box.After a few weeks, my testing had been completed, my secret (even from the other directors) plans were readied, and it was put into place.The result was that the war that the Privateer Alliance had been paying for went from around 150 million ISK, to 1 billion ISK to maintain it for a further week, making it economically nonviable to continue.Much CAOD complaining and explanation of basic math later, and the war was quietly dropped, however the conflict did not end there.As before, more to come soon.

No news is… well, actually, just us being busy.

There’s actually a lot of stuff gone on recently that should have been posted here, but wasn’t.Hopefully we should be able to keep this updated a little better soon, with goings-on in the Uni, for those of you who have moved on, or are looking to join.The most major event recently was the drawn out conflict with the Privateer Alliance.Initially, It started as a conflict with TRAPS, however the Privateers decided to get involved, and proceeded to continue their war against the Uni for one of the longest periods we had experienced.Unfortunately we were unable to get a solid reason from them for this, and theory’s ranged from some kind of perceived slight involving their leadership, to it being a merc contract.Eventually though, after 2 months it ended…More to come on that in a bit.

Empyrean Age – June 10th @ 02:00 GMT

Patch Notes are up! to set a long skill, as in multiple days, or even weeks if possible!The downtime is scheduled for 24 hours, but experience has shown this may either be an overestimate, or a massive massive underestimate!Shamelessly copied from Kelduum’s post in the forums

Deployment continues for the Trinity 1.1: Boost Patch

From the Downtime News page again…”As reported earlier, database issues were discovered during an early point in the process. Those issues required us to go into our backups for data and this restoration and data integrity check have taken longer than originally anticipated. We regret any inconvenience these delays may cause. Our most recent assessment indicates that service may be restored at 02:00 GMT, and we will provide additional updates as often as possible.”This is why they say to set a long skill training!

Patch Deployment Possibly Delayed

From the Downtime news page…”While monitoring the progress of the patch deployment, a database issue came to light that we felt was important to address as quickly as possible. In order to ensure the best quality patch possible for our players, the estimated time for the downtime has been potentially extended as we correct that issue. Restoration of service could happen as late as tomorrow afternoon but may be as soon as this evening. Please watch the MOTD and our website for more information as it becomes available.”