Patch postponed 24 hours

Trinity 1.1: Boost patch has been postponed by 24 hours due to extra time needed for testing. We will go ahead with deployment on Wednesday, 12 March from 02:00 to 16:00 GMT. That is, same time, just different day.Kelduum Edit: Patch notes are down right now, but the features page has been updated.

Eve Downtime – Trinity 1.1 Patch

Tranquility will undergo an extended downtime on Tuesday, 11 March. The start time is 0200 GMT and the length of the downtime is expected to be fourteen hours. During this time the “Boost” patch will be applied to Trinity consisting of fixes and improvements.Patch Notes will be made available over the weekend. Updates to the notes may be added as more items are cleared through the Quality Assurance process. These updates will be highlighted with green text. Please note: Training a long learning duration skill ending after the scheduled return to service is recommended.Edit by Kelduum: Patch notes are now available!

Wars and Eve University

Heres the thing… we don’t dislike wars, they are good for training PvP, and allow the new pilots to let out some aggression.However, very few corps can fight like E-UNI does and there are some basic reasons why we can’t ever actually lose a war:1. We can field 100+ man fleets without much trouble.2. For the new players, if they die or not is irrellivent – being on the killmail of a T2 BS is glorious.3. For the vast majority of our members, new clones are either free or very very cheap.4. The University replaces many ships lost in fleet operations.5. Our members learn very fast, and from each others experiences – not just their own.In short, our members are organised, bloodthirsty and fearless, with nothing to lose and everything to gain. They get killed, they learn from it, and come back stronger and better, over and over again. Some people don’t realise this, and declare war anyway. Shame, really, as they often end up spinning their ship in a station, and would have been better not starting the war.


Eve University is victorious once again. The war targets have retracted their war after they took some substantial losses in only a few days, and recruiting will reopen at 01:20 Eve Time tommorow, Friday 8th.

Well, it was good while it lasted…

We have recieved another wardec, from a party which should know better, and will remain nameless.Recruitment will be closing for the duration, as we know they are simply after easy kills, and we would rather they spend their sime sitting in their station.Ivy Defence Status has been raised to DEFCON 2.

Recruiting Reopens

With one war over and a second ending soon and much less of a threat, recruitment was been reopened as of 04:00 Eve Time today.We are looking forward to getting back to teaching, and hope that we will have a bit of a respite from wars, which have been near-constant over the last 6 months.

It used to be quiet, once…

You would never believe it looking at recent history, but there was a period of about 4 months last year where we actually had no wars.After the last war ended, there were only 3 days where we didnt have a war, and now today, we have two of them, from parties who will remain nameless.Unfortunately, this means that recruiting is again closed, and its unclear when these wars will end.More information will be posted once its available.