[Tip of the Week] Daily Tasks, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo!

The AIR Daily Goals in your Opportunities window lists 8 simple and varied goals that you can complete each day. They will pay out some ISK and Evermarks, but the real rewards are in the 12-day reward track for which you earn one notch every day that you complete at least two Daily Tasks. The full reward track offers 8 million ISK 75 000 skillpoints and some SKINR components for Alpha clones, with Omega clones additionally gaining 5 PLEX and 150 000 skillpoints on top of that. This reward track resets every month.

There are several possible Daily Tasks to complete, and most of them can be done very quickly with some small initial set-up:
* Exploration, scan 5 signatures – go to a Career Agent system (Clellinon is closest to Stacmon) for guaranteed easy signatures to scan!
* Manufacturing, manufacture an item – buy a cheap Blueprint (like a shuttle for 50k ISK, or small T1 ammo like Antimatter Charge S) and some materials (Tritanium for 10 shuttles costs 130k), store it in a station with manufacturing capabilities (like Karpinski Forge in Stacmon) and you can make a shuttle/ammo/… whenever the manufacturing goal pops up!
* LP, earn 50 LP for any corporation – run a mission – something like L2 Distribution will take you 5 minutes and give enough LP to satisfy Daily task. Alternatively, watch out in #ping-misc for adverts – Unistas frequently run an LP sharing fleet where all you need to do is be in fleet for a couple of minutes, wait for turn-in, and complete the goal. You can be anywhere in New Eden or beyond while doing so!
* Mining, mine 2000 units of ore – if you have Venture, one or two cycles of your Miners in an asteroid belt is enough for the daily goals!